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27 days ago

You say it’s time for the military to take over. My question is when? We are i dire need of that to happen, before Barack Obama try to become president again that will start a revolution.

Stinky Perfume
Stinky Perfume
26 days ago
Reply to  Danny

It makes sense but this WW3 thing is good vs evil or god vs devil, call it either. Its what the play theatre is about for surface earth. In the meanwhile while we are steered into ideas about WW3 and it’s play out scenarios, there’s many more underground than on surface earth. Nobody is allowed to see it or talk about it and they live down there with the spaceships watching everyone on surface earth all the days and nights. They are all vampires. The blood vampires are said to be against the loosh human soul energy vampires but none of these sites will talk about it if they are steering people to focus on the end times war. There’s no money up ahead to expect I feel confident about. This sounds like a scam. One guy claimed to figure it out and said they are just playing any well off people to placate them. There will be nothing but barter up ahead, and the world is changing so much up ahead, nobody will need money, he said. It’s supposed to go back to the original design of man when he had 12+ strands of DNA activated. The people that can’t activate it just don’t survive.

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