Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of July 3, 2022



Author : Judy Byington

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2 years ago

Who was the prince who came here and ordered young girls in Las Vegas? That’s all I can remember is he did that.

David Stephens
David Stephens
2 years ago

This is how you KNOW that Just Byington is a fraud. Never, not once, has she ever included anything I’ve commented, even when I share proven true fact help for everyone, not just the Cromers.
When you employ an attorney (not real lawyers) you are declaring yourself an incompetent ward of the state. The Cromers deserve everything they’ve suffered because they didn’t learn law before starting this expose, and because they tried to beat the system using the system, staying inside the system, which is rigged against the vast majority, which used to include me. But what I learned online, for free, has made me untouchable, I am now 6 for 6 undefeated in legal matters. And I am not keeping any secrets. I gave Judy what the Cromers need, for free, here in the comments for all to see, but does she include a single sentence of it in her daily fraud? Obviously not.
This is what you watch if you want to know what Trump is NOT going to do. Not one thing Byington ever claimed has ever happened.

2 years ago

We all know that Bibi is a double crosser and a member of the Deep State. The day he loses his protective custody status is the day he is going to meet his own maker.

As to the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, I would love to see the day when all the entire families of these two motherfuckers, from Senior to Baby, from Bro to Sis, from Uncle to Aunt, from cousin on down to the very last of their blood line is totally culled and gone and no longer will be around in the entire world. Gather all of them up no matter who or what their relationships are and if part of that bloodline either by marriage or common law etc., gather all of the Tares of both of those familes, take them down to the ground very deep like 5-10 miles below in some massive city, and lock them inside where they cannot get out, and then kill all of of them with one nuke blast of 50 megatons, to collapse the earth above them and seal them permanently forever.

If you guys can do this, I will buy a Champagne Bottle, and celebrate and give you a toast of my gratitude and appreciation, once you can verify NOT ONE LIVING ROTHSCHILD OR ROCKEFELLER IS LEFT ALIVE ON EARTH EITHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT TO THEIR BLOOD LINES. Then my war against the evil elites is finish and done, and we can have peace.

In case none of you know it, I am the VERY LAST SURVIVOR ALIVE from my family line and no more blood relatives exist, as I have no bro or sis, or uncle or aunt, or niece or nephew, nor cousin or distant cousins. ALL ARE DEAD EXCEPT ME. I am the last one. When I die, its all over of my family tree going back many centuries.

That is why I don’t give a damn if you come after me or not, cause I will kill these elites first chance I get if I see them near me at my locations around the world. My only quest is to save the weak innocent people who will be so vulnerable to the strong deadly Cabal evil leaders. You know whom I am talking about, and I leave it at that and let you figure out the rest.

What is really despicable is NONE OF YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THE DEATH OF A VERY SPECIAL PERSON KNOWN WORLD WIDE WHO HAS SAVED MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF LIVES AND NONE OF YOU PUT THE FLAG AT HALF MAST. His name is Dr. Zelenko, who passed away from Terminal cancer at age 48 on June 30th, 2022. RIP, I salute him and he is a warrior against the Deep State evil bastards and even SAVED YOUR DONNIE BOY TRUMP. via HCQ Treatment. SMFH!!!!!

Steward H Pacheco
Steward H Pacheco
2 years ago

Thank you!

2 years ago

Good work ❤ ????????????

2 years ago

Wow. A ten year extension for the Fed. I wonder if any non-Deep State American has ever received a ten-year extension on federal taxes?

If the SC has indeed overturned the 2020 election, where is the announcement of the ruling? Is this yet another SECRET being kept from those who pay all of the bills, including the SC Justices’ nice, tax-free incomes? Is it: “Biden is officially out, but you won’t be able to tell it because it’s a SECRET”?

Hopefully, “D Day” doesn’t = “Deep Secret Day” “Don’t bother asking Day” “Damage without end Day” “Down with the middle class Day” “Deaths in the millions Day” “Desperate Americans by the millions join the ranks of the ruined” – you get the drift.

2 years ago

A nuclear false flag event will have no effect if it is kept as SECRET as so many other things have been kept secret. Trust the Plan – the SECRET Plan. Don’t worry if you are living under a bridge because you’ve lost your home, if your pets are going to be euthanized at the shelter where you were forced to leave them, if the car you are living out of is about to be repossessed, if you are one of the 150 million Americans who now has VAIDS because of a shot you took while waiting on the plan. I suspect those poor people have very little trust for the plan.

Genocide IS a crime against humanity.

2 years ago

I lived eleven years in Saudi Arabia, and my family lived there a combined 100+ years. To anyone to whom the Saudis feel they owe their loyalty (and not just the royal family) are extremely – EXTREMELY – loyal. It is one of their greatest qualities. I would not say that the King “capitulated” to President Trump. Respected, appreciated, was grateful to .. but not “capitulated.”

I can’t imagine how Trump is related to the Saudi royal family, however. His parents were Scottish and certainly when they were younger, they lived at a time when there wasn’t as much scurrying around mixing with other countries and cultures as there is now. I think the episode with the Sword simply shows great respect, not to indicate that he is related to the royal family.

The Saudis are tough! No making their taxpayers support for decades murderers or those who conspire to murder! They execute the criminals quickly, which not only saves the taxpayers huge sums of money, but serves as a deterrent NOW, not 30 years from now when many citizens have forgotten the crime, many are too young to remember it, and many who were alive when the crime was committed are no longer living.

2 years ago

How nice that the SC ruled against the EPA. That will save us lots of money, which will then be stolen from us to support the additional tens of millions of illegal alien welfare thieves that the SC ruled in favor of.

The fact that Colin Powell was so into the Deep State that he committed suicide by taking two of their Injections (and died on the way to the third Injection) tells us all we need to know about him. He was no poor, uneducated bumpkin.

I hope that the Wisconsin decertification of the 2020 election is “inevitable,” not “invitable”! Actually, the states are taking so much time to do this that it looks like they will go on until 2024, anyway. The point was to put a stop to election fraud, and to put a stop to Joseph Ripoff Biden’s devastation of America before there is no America left, by removing him from office.

2 years ago

And now we know why the Party of Pedophiles has been so anxious to accuse Russia of everything that has gone wrong in the world. The Russians have the goods on the Monsters! We have to hope that the Russians realize that such efforts are not the efforts of America, but of the Monsters that have pulled off a coup against America – Monsters that our military is allegedly dealing with. I believe that Putin does know that.

Good Lord! Can we get any worse than a Supreme Court Chief Justice whose wealth has come from child trafficking? (And likely, child sacrifice, murder for children’s organs and for adrenochrome?) How could anyone go any lower, be any more hideous, any more monstrous, than that?!)

2 years ago

After doing a search on the Supreme Court’s decision concerning the 2020 election that was supposedly ruled on the 29th, I found no record of it happening.

2 years ago

God bless White Hats!!!!

Mary Edinger
Mary Edinger
2 years ago

I love this channel. I listen every day, sometimes two or three times. I know we are close to victory, but one thing that concerns me is CPS. My oldest son retired from the military after 13 years. He decided to stay in Hawaii , where he was last based. He has a wife and children. One of my granddaughters was taken by the CCP and never returned. This was due to lies from a neighbor and the public school system. The CPS recently returned my granddaughter to my son’s second wife. He did everything he could do to get his daughter back, but to no avail. He had custody of his daughter, due to her mother’s neglect. My son served 13 years in the army and yet no one would help him. This is done frequently in Hawaii. The people are treated like trash in their own country. I look forward to seeing the CPS exposed as part of the DS and child trafficking. I was so afraid for my granddaughter. I would appreciate any updates you have on the CPS. Thank you for always keeping the American people informed and encouraged. I know God blesses your service.

2 years ago

???? ????

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