Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 1, 2024
Author : Judy Byington
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To: Judy Byington
Please stop this nonsensical repetition, it is nothing good but absolutely ridiculous. Also, start reporting that which you know, NOT that which you wish to “string along”. STOP IT!! I am talking about R & R payments, retirement increases, etc. you are playing with fire!! If you cannot produce, do not speak. If you do not know for certain, let it be or at least acknowledge that uncertainty. Better that than facing a raging populace of pissed off patriots. We are awake, we are watching, and we are counting every lie, every double back, etcetera. If you do not know, then only report those NEW happenings that you DO know about and stop playing people, for that is what this looks like. Yes, I said LIE. Every time you say this will happen this month, then it doesn’t, that is a LIE. Own up to what you are doing, and start seeing things from the other side.