Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of May 3, 2022



Author : Judy Byington

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2 years ago

I wish that you stop saying that Bill Gates is still alive. Hopefully the narrative will change very soon. It is very demoralizing for patriot’s to figure out what is true.

Paul A Coover
Paul A Coover
2 years ago

peaceful riots. Mostly safe vaccines. Mostly natural weather. Mostly
legal justice department, Mostly fair and transparent elections,
Mostly trustworthy officials. Mostly true MSM. .Mostly free speech.
Mostly trustworthy big tech. Mostly trustworthy Big brother. Mostly
obeyed Nurenburg laws.
I’m missing Trump. And I can’t wait for Military law to show the
Check your constitution, Military justice has the
standing. So when the supreme court says there is no standing in
election cases? They are in effect saying no two justice departments
will try one case. The evidence is in the military’s hands. They have

2 years ago

I thought Bill Gates and numerous elites were on their way to GITMO. Who is controlling all the people that are hijacking our food supply? Also, it’s been reported that the deep state is are broke. Is that true?

2 years ago

More bullshit today lol you people have no bottom to ya . A little bit of truth mixed with a whole lot of dodoo .

2 years ago

The Supreme Court needs to be protected from pro-abortion LIBERALS!!!! My, my … how things have changed! Just weeks ago, the only people who could possibly participate in an insurrection were conservative patriots!

2 years ago

Illegals would go home if they weren’t receiving goods and services paid for with money obtained by financially raping middle class Americans. That’s why these people are ENEMIES, not just “looking for a better life.” They couldn’t care less how many Americans are made homeless, or commit suicide, so that enough money can be funneled to them.

2 years ago

Trump is the real POTUS. Trump is the real POTUS. Trump is the real POTUS. Trump is the real POTUS. Trump is the real POTUS. Trump is the real POTUS.

Where have I heard that before? And more to the point, when will something be done about it?

Let’s not forget government’s part in the food shortage. Government ALLOWED Big Pharma to get control over the food supply, and government undoubted accepted what amounts to bribes to do that. Government could take that control away from Big Pharma, too. That’s not likely because Biden appears to be part of the global depopulation crowd. Maybe if something is ever done about “Trump is the real POTUS” we’ll see Big Pharma de-fanged. (De-fanged; Injection is snake venom – get it? Ha!)

2 years ago

Next we’ll be told that to be safe from avian flu and/or a strange new hepatitis, we’ll have to wear plastic bags over our heads. Tie them nice and tight around the neck to keep those mean organisms out. So the chance of dying from yet another virus will be totally eclipsed by the chance of dying from suffocation. The liberal, satanic, pedophile, vampire, cannibal, globalist, genocidal (and mostly Democrat) monsters will love it.

So now the SEC is involved with the global depopulation? Is there ANY US Government entity that isn’t involved? Have the many people who have gone missing under mysterious circumstances in US national parks (as reported by David Paulides in his “Missing 411” series) been taken somewhere and used as guinea pigs? Is that the real reason there are closed areas in those parks? Is what they are really areas from which to conduct kidnapping operations? Can we put anything past this “government” Cabal?

Dean Damron
Dean Damron
2 years ago

Finally! Let’s go global Patriots!

2 years ago

In Shanghai, the number of deaths from STARVATION undoubtedly exceeds Covid-19 deaths. Of course, how could that not be true, since Covid whatever has never been isolated to this very day.

Similarly, the Alliance doesn’t seem to have murder by starvation under control in the US, or Union Pacific wouldn’t be cutting back 20% on shipping. This seems like an excellent reason for Americans to have remained armed all these decades.

Francine Launier
Francine Launier
2 years ago

Elon Musk just tendered 44 Billions$ to the Deep State associates. That is where they get their $.

2 years ago

The race is on: Will enough of the People “stand up” before the Cabal can kill enough of them to take over? (As the Alliance waits for the INSISTENTLY ignorant to make major personality changes, something that almost never occurs in adult human beings.)

Alex Jones HAS been right about almost everything, if not every last thing. We wouldn’t know what goes on in Bohemian Grove if he hadn’t risked his life sneaking in there for photos.

The Delta “variant” wasn’t going to control population (since it is a “variant” of a fake virus); the Injections for it were going to control population. And speaking of that, I believe it was Restored Republic that reported yesterday that 4.66 BILLION people have been Injected. Unless something changes, well over half the world’s population will die, and those who remain will be robbed to pay for care for the dying and burial of the dead.

Deborah Santos
Deborah Santos
2 years ago

This site give a whole lot of dates . Hard to trust!

Last edited 2 years ago by Deborah Santos
2 years ago

Are y’all too scared use your own voice/s?
This computer generated voice-over crap is really distracting, since I spend half the video trying to make sense of what was previously stated.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lynxx
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