Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 8, 2024



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3 months ago

It’s difficult for me to listen to all of this FEAR mongering about IMPENDING sickness. For Christians [at least the ones who actually read their Bible], we know there is no such thing at least not for us simply because of our Father’s promises printed clearly within the pages of the training manual He gave us. I was in a BIG pharma nursing home during covid and four times while there the man in the bed next to me died from the covid vaccine. I have never tested for having covid. The man that used to help me in my apartment died from the covid vaccine. Bill Gates told the world before it was even released that it was a depopulation drug and had killed ALL of the test animals. Who in their right mind would take a drug known to kill everyone? People who don’t know they are being FEAR mongered to death with LIES! To date there is not even one safe vaccine. NOT ONE! But BIG pharma spends hours every day claiming they will save you. Jesus is my healer… not doctors, BIG pharma or the evil new world. The Bible states the leaves are for food and the seeds for medicine and this has worked for me ever since BIG pharma stated my death was imminent thirty-three years ago. Not sure anyone even opens my website but I will post your link there – don’t want your money, don’t have money since job was lost, this will be my way to help you post your message.

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