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Leonie Arries
Leonie Arries
2 months ago

Thank you Judy …for ongoing updates and wishing you an Africa Christmas with lots of blessings and peace for 2025…happy Jubilee too..

Lorinda Madore
2 months ago

I remember that about the lawyers and judges in the Book of Mormon. They suffered a great deal under those men. With Ken and barbie not being able to make a living, Ken being locked up, we have reversed into the horrible way things were done so long ago. It’s just not right!

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
2 months ago

You guys hurry up? I need to hear more about the Cromars. Tell us his shoe size, that’s about the only fuckin thing we haven’t heard 30 times. The families frozen to death in North Carolina want to know…..hurry before the thaw and start getting eaten.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
2 months ago

Where’s the 26th… The 25th is not the birth date of Jesus. It’s a pagan holiday set by the Vatican….new Year’s is a pagan holiday also. Paying homage to Janus. A two faced god Julius Caesar invented. So, much more.
This Cromars shit is out of control. North Carolina citizens still caught in trees. Babies caught in trees and cried themselves to death..no one did a fuckin thing. But the Cromars, poor Babies
How long have we heard About the EBS….fuckin liars……..

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
2 months ago

For as we speak, the words justice, sovereignty and , love ; things come to mind ; I will lay flowers in Sparta, in Athens, in Alexandria , along the Northern edge of Hadrian’s wall. I will lay flowers in St., Petersburg – along the shores of Ireland and Scotland.
I will send ships of Angels to spread flowers over the lands of the innocent’s who were taken from the world because of greed and religious fanaticism and ask the faeries, nymphs and all Elementals to sing their songs once again and fill the forests with the welcoming to all souls.
I will ask the birds to carry the seeds of beautiful flowers , bushes and trees that bring nourishment to us all far and wide.
The whales and all fish of the mighty seas will jump high from the waters in exuberance..even the tiniest of fish will be whales of love.
We will bow to the ancient Kings of Hawaii and now and ask the forgiveness of American Indian Chiefs. Watch the Starlings do their coordinated dances in the sky.
All countries, brothers and sisters; we have our nature places we retreat to……we must first sweep the streets and rid the earth once and for all of the satanic forces….
As the Moody Blues sang in a song, ” face piles of trials with smiles. It riles them you perceive the web they weave and keep on feeling free.”
Stop feeding them with anger, destroy them with your high vibrations.
Listen to the song by the Moody Blues the Balance.
………and the Universe SMILES!……..

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
2 months ago

I’ve heard said and think it’s a satanic doing…..we must never forget the terrible things that happened here!
We must forget and destroy the location to stop the energy they receive from the evil that happened in these locations to include complete cities.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
2 months ago

Remember your Brothers, Sisters, Mother’s and Fathers and family ancestors who lay underneath our feet. They have been wondering when you will , finally, see the light! Get off your asses and take back our freedom and release them to the loving universe. This has to be all of us, EVERYONE!!!!!Take back Freedom……..hang the oppressors throughout the streets. They did it and we allowed it to happen – NO MORE……get in the streets, the World feels our vibration…..keep your vibration up by focusing on love and happiness. The Demons only feed off of negativity….. destroy them now. Pat your brother on the back and help him……our governments do not care……
……..and the Universe SMILES………

Anita King
Anita King
2 months ago

Judy, I certainly hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy up coming New Year! Thank you for keeping us all informed over the years. I really appreciate your efforts in informing us of all of the information you dive deep into. I hope you take this week off and enjoy your family. Looking forward to reading your column if you do continue this journey.

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