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1 month ago

Thankyou so much from my heart for your hard work sharing us your very important news♥️🙏♥️

1 month ago

Thesame news over and over and over ,stop it

Tommy Bryan
Tommy Bryan
1 month ago

You are shooting yourself in the foot. Now, when I try and get someone to watch the updates they don’t have time to be forced to watch a lengthy advertisement. So they don’t listen to it. You have already driven away half of your supporters because you keep telling us things that never happen that you promise. I am a full supporter of Trump but I see so many dumb things done that are eroding your support base. And somehow I feel this is like pouring water on a ducks back.

1 month ago

Abortion is (in fact) the butchering to death the physical body of one of God’s immortal unborn children. Also… abortion is the blood sacrifice of one of God’s immortal children to the false god Molech (AKA) Satan. Is there a link to further anti IRS info taught by Joe Banister? In 1964 at 14 years of age I stopped an IRS agent from beating an American citizen to death. For doing the right THING they put me on an FBI terrorist watch list.

Craig Perras
1 month ago

As of lately, I feel like has been one big nothing burger with a side order of NADA. Redundancy can be very problematic when you want to make plans for your future. No matter what I am a Patriot, but I’m a bit tired of empty promises.

1 month ago

Again, Another month all promises. And no Delivery, or even mentioned to the American Citizens !!! How can you keep saying “Trust The Plan” WWG1WGA ???? So far WE GO ALONE…… Seriously Rethinking this whole situation…. Do not like how things are going down. We the American Citizens are being pushed to very LAST by who ever is calling the shots here !! SO WHO IS IT ??? “this is all a show by Trump& the Military?” KIND OF MAKES STOP AND THINK ??? (as it should)

1 month ago

Another month gone by. Another month of lies and no proof of your news report while camel foot’s poling numbers get higher and higher.

1 month ago

Our Government has had to much power and are not for ,WE the People, Get them all out and start with just 10% of Gov compared to what we have now. They have all been bought and should go down for treason. Maybe very few are right, only God knows

1 month ago

It was in the year 2000, when I called my Dad, and was informed that back in the mid ’90s, I had called him, screaming about wanting my money, and that I was going to kill him. Apparently, him and my two Brothers, had restraining orders out against me. I still don’t remember calling him, but I think I know why I did.
I’ve already stated that whoever trained me to fire the weapon that put that disc in Reagan’s lung, was definitely Military. My Dad was retired Army. Four tours in ‘Nam as a Combat Medic in an eight man Airborne Green Beret 5th Grp. team. I’m thinking he trained me, and when I made that call I don’t remember, I wanted to get money owed to me. See, I was programmed forget by counting backwards and then falling asleep. When I awoke, the memory would be locked up and I would be none the wiser.
I now know why Dad got his Bachelor’s in Psychology.

Leinchen butcher
Leinchen butcher
1 month ago

I really wish something would happen to these horrible people, how long will these children keep being abused, can’t they take them down faster. How much longer, another 10 years . If there is truly evidence then this should stop asap.

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