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1 month ago

Why is it that it seems most of the evil in the world originated or was supported by American tax payer monies?

1 month ago

Blah, blah, blah, nothing.

Ted Freeman
1 month ago

Corrupt government will never change. These bastards are first for pay outs. This shows we still have a racists government directed at the poor the one they robbed since 1913. If I had my way I would hang everyone in government.

You people at this website over the last two years have been lieing there ass of about pay out and med beds. You have managed to convince all your full if it. My your lie cause the great suffering for life .

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
1 month ago

Merry Christmas in July is what they said, well merry, or was that June, May; maybe Jan?!
If they can tell whether or not you have a good heart and intentions for giving and if THEY determine you don’t; you receive nothing, isn’t that the same system as the Cabals’? They determine your destiny? The Culling continues…. what will be the next method of exclusion?
Maybe they’re afraid of your capabilities once they find you have fully ascended, or are ascending further than 5D or have passed that…..
They’re humans; Liars, thieves and greed is their creed and dominion over everyone else is there ultimate goal by stopping your ascension through Cabal Tactics of fear of not being good enough. Thus, controlling you, us, still but; with pretty little plastic flowers all around and more unkept promises. Trump says Kamala won’t let him pay the Tokens and the other things he owes; oh ok, I see…..We know what this is all about….the underground and the perverted maggots that commit it, participate, oversee, pay for and are paid for organizing such a demented satanic social structure. We will wash the World of the Scum.
So, why now start on our vibrations……As a distraction, you have staged the largest propaganda operation in history with people depending solely on the Truthers for direction not your highly valued daily ass kissers. They are just playing parts. They aren’t the victims of the deception perpetrated by both sides. We are and you’re responsible for our internal disruptions to ascend… say a movie, I say the largest deflection of truth and light since the Bible was first edited.
But, wait! You may not be worthy of what we have decided for you…..someone else kisses butt much better and will be more easily controlled without us worrying about “FREE WILL” and all that bunk we’ve preached.
If you’re deemed unworthy, it’s off to a conveniently already built re-education camp or a disintegration bed. So, don’t let your thoughts wonder off into the Universe where Love conquers all. We’re still on Earth that’s controlled by men. I Love ALL of you my Sisters, Brothers and Cosmic Citizens. Cosmic Citizens, we may need more of your intervention than first thought. You cannot stand by and watch another failure. You must change the Counsels Rules on Intervention.
We, Earth Citizens, ask with the most of desperation for your decisiveness in the future of the Souls who have suffered numerous incarnations on this prison planet and remove our shackles for ever and cast all that hold harm in their hearts to drift aimlessly in the coldest and dense reaches of Gods’ creation.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
1 month ago

Almost forget, we need to fire up our dismantled, as we were told, HARP System and direct it at more innocent civilians…Cull, Cull for the New World we are preparing.

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