Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of August 11, 2023



Author : Judy Byington

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1 year ago

This Transmission is meant as Comms and Optics for Anons and Military to discern what is happening. Negative comments stand to point out the enemy in plain sight. These comments are recorded and catalogued in real time to allow investigations when merited. When any money changes hands in this operation, a list of names are available to reference Enemy Combatants or hostility against the United States. This is computerized to prevent distribution to hostiles. Only people with work histories and gainfully employed will receive it. Freeloaders will not have access. You don’t know what you don’t know. Real Patriots of the United States don’t make negative comments and have nothing to fear. This goes for every site on the internet. Wake up before your demise. This Transmission is coded in some areas due to the Enemy seeing it also. Misinformation is definetly necessary as quoted by “Q”.

James King
James King
1 year ago
Reply to 

You must realize the common people WANT to believe, but we do not have the military information. Your fear tactic against negative comments do not relieve the fears of people who are not privy to the military information. We know something is wrong and we want things made right.

1 year ago
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Many people have a very real fear of running out of their savings before the predicted beneficial financial changes occur. That is why some are more upset about nothing ever happening than others. Let those others lose their savings somehow, and you will see more people concerned and upset. Even patriots are only human.

1 year ago
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Correction: Not “nothing ever happening,” but “the ending seeming to be put off endlessly.”

1 year ago
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And another thing … since when can Americans not say something negative about anything? That sounds more like the Third Reich than like America. I hope you aren’t implying that the Alliance/Military is going to be running things like THAT outfit did.

1 year ago

Again ,no Trump or VP in power,no RV,no seniors increase no Med Beds
It is all the same and evil is still in power making us sick,

1 year ago
Reply to  Danuta

You are brainwashed. Wake up before it’s too late.

1 year ago

What RIOT on Jan. 6th? The riots were done by Antifa and BLM on other dates. On Jan. 5th, people were standing around wondering what to do.

Trying to find a reason the Deep State does heinous things is easy: They are satanists, and as such you can’t put anything past them. Burning Hawaii; kidnapping children; human sacrifices; cannibalism … all done while they cook up even worse things that they can do.

How can we be sure that not one member of numerous militaries is a satanist? If we can’t be sure, then global martial law is a different matter, isn’t it?

We’ve been told that financial collapse is imminent for a long time. Now we don’t know what to believe, or from whom.

QFS information repeated three times within a couple of frames. Many of us have put large parts of our lives on hold for years to keep up with this kind of information. Why do you want to make that take longer?

1 year ago

Every podcast you repeat the same information like 3x. The 2020 election has already been overturned by SCOTUS. You lose credibility every time you say “EAS is going to activated on…… NESARA announcement will be on……Trump expected to be reinstated on…..Tier 4B should be notified for appointments by….” (Insert date) It never happens. Dates keep getting pushed back.

1 year ago

The info on WH taking over HAARP from Monday is incorrect. Michael Jaco said it was used against Hawaii in the fires.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karen

Unless Michael Jaco has incorrect information. Who knows these days?

1 year ago

Since when are NESARA/GESARA military operations? That’s what “Get ready for military NESARA/GESARA EBS” sounds like.

What percentage of the world population has ever transferred funds electronically internationally? I’ll bet it is a TINY percentage. Importance of international transfer of funds is pretty much limited to the well-heeled.

So Trump has the power to subpoena. Good. Now, what if those mostly Democrats and Democrats in disguise (aka RINOs) ignore the subpoenas? Will some authority round them up and march them into court, or will they get away with violating the law as they have so often demonstrated in the past?

Why bother to establish 7 billion QFS accounts if only a few people are going to survive some catastrophe by hiding in bunkers and tunnels? And if bunkers and tunnels are going to be needed to save people, why destroy so many of them?

Julie E. Rotondo
Julie E. Rotondo
1 year ago

Why the hell aren’t we under martial law NOW. what are we waiting for!

1 year ago

I think they’ve said a couple of times that all or most of the world is under martial law. What I wonder is why not come out and SAY it publicly?

richard sanborn
richard sanborn
1 year ago

white hats why are there more drugs in maine on the streets than ever??? cocaine and fentanyl meth rampiderywhere im a reformed drug addict by dr big pharma drug dealers but i still know everyone who uses and theres no shortage of it thats for sure!!!

Tammy Daniels
Tammy Daniels
1 year ago

More bs, same bs for over the past years??? Still waiting…….

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