Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 12, 2023



Author : Judy Byington

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1 year ago


Tony johnson
Tony johnson
1 year ago

There is no such thing as contagion.
There are no contagious diseases period full stop.
Natives were not given contagious diseases as they do not exist.
Poisons however are as real as a heart attack.

Dolores Cobb Phifer
Dolores Cobb Phifer
1 year ago
Reply to  Tony johnson

Sorry. This is not new news. Ask the locals and Amish. They know their history. I lived below Pequea for 6 years. Smallpox laden blankets were given to Native American Tribes across the country in order to steal their land. Canada has been murdering the First Nations People for hundreds of years. Other countries have been murdering the Indigenous and Aboriginal People for hundreds of years to steal their lands. This is not new news.

Pequea is in Southern Lancaster County Pennsylvania. Pequea means “Out of the Fire”.

The surviving (Pequea) Indians burned everything except what the were wearing as they left their village to prevent anyone from getting sick. They traveled south to find medicine to cure the Smallpox Disease that they contracted from the disease laden blankets that they received from the Military. This abandoned village was later named Pequea… Out of the Fire. It is said that the survivors came back home after a time of healing and recovery.

Tribes – Native Voices…
1763–64: Britain wages biological warfare with smallpox.
The British give smallpox-contaminated blankets to Shawnee and Lenape (Delaware) communities—an action sanctioned by the British officers Sir Jeffery Amherst and his replacement, General Thomas Gage. Image of a Mesoamerican infected with smallpox.,his%20replacement%2C%20General%20Thomas%20Gage.&text=Image%20of%20a%20Mesoamerican%20infected%20with%20smallpox

1 year ago

I look forward to your reports every day! My only complaint is that the dates mentioned don’t happen, and there is a lot of repetition. But otherwise I appreciate all your audios!

1 year ago

Great report.

1 year ago

It is just now being discovered that hospitals made fortunes from murdering patients and claiming they died of Covid? Whoever is just discovering this is late to the party. Just FYI, the murder-for-hire funds came from taxpayers, so many victims paid for their own murders.

It appears that our intelligence agencies need to experience worse than mere “embarrassment.” How about dissolution?

Between the murdered, dying and disabled American Injection victims who have left homes empty and the further 8 million who are to be detained and/or executed, I expect residential real estate prices to drop drastically and in fact, prices in Austin, Texas (where the stupid leftists undoubtedly fell for the Injection Myth hook, line and sinker) are already dropping. This will be even more pronounced if foreigners are prevented from buying US real estate in the future after what we’ve seen with Chinese buyers.

1 year ago

For anyone wondering about the State of Alert 2023-2024 message, here is a link:

One reason Saudi Arabia doesn’t have much crime is that so much of what we call criminal is legal there (raping children, slavery, beating women, polygamy, etc.). But another reason is that they don’t wait for years and years to try and then punish criminals. Justice is truly swift there, and everyone there is aware of it. In addition, they impose the same punishment on those who help criminals as the criminals themselves receive … including the death penalty. That gets them lots of help from the public in their investigations of crimes.

We’ve been far too easy on evildoers for far too long. Perhaps we should consider strategies like the ones above.

1 year ago

The inventor is Nikola Tesla, not Kikola Tesla. Probably a typo.

Is the reason the med beds haven’t been rolled out for regular people that they are too busy with famous people? I would like to remind the Alliance that unless they were donated by off-worlders, the regular taxpayers paid for most of the med beds, if not all of them. This is just more of the same: We PAY; the rich and famous GET.

Former IRS Director Rettig has been tried by military tribunal, found guilty, and sentenced to hang in the next few days. Good riddance to bad rubbish – a great old British saying.

Did the man who fired Hillary for moral turpitude report her to the Bar Association? Fat chance.

1 year ago

How is anyone going to scare the insistently blind sleepers? Confiscate all of their money would be one of the only ways. They pay no attention to what is going on, so wouldn’t see any scare event that didn’t inconvenience their own precious derrieres.

Jan Hayes stated that Biden is the duly elected president, but of the bankrupt US Corporation, not the Republic. That isn’t correct, as he lost the 2020 election, no matter what entity that election was held for. Biden may be the leader (if he is even still alive) but he is not the president. (I refrained from capitalizing “president” deliberately.)

Do you have another David Wilcock – not the well-known psychic David Wilcock – from whom you are getting these very un-David Wilcockish statements?

I have my doubts about both Xi and Bin Salman. Is anyone else aware that the latter sentenced a man to death for complaining about his land being stolen for Salman’s pet project The Line? That doesn’t sound like someone too concerned about “humanity;” it sounds like Islam in general: Kill everything and everyone that isn’t convenient for yourself.

1 year ago

This sounds like the same bullshit. Every deadline passes. Then there is a new date. Every information release is never heard…..and I didn’t mean the MSM.

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
1 year ago

why in the fk would deep state usa inc congress do anything???? the whole system in dc is unconstitutional crap!!!! republican or demon rats it doesnt matter after 1871 its been all illegal will you get your facts straight please and use your head you put out a fake narative that tells wrong information why???? are you a deep state shill???? i enjoy your shows but for some reason you cant figure it out!!!? stop watching fake operation mockingbird media is all fake and the white house hAS BEEN EMPTY SINCE JAN 2021SOME TIMES YOURE ON THEN TURN AROUND SAY STUFF YOU HAVE TO KNOW IS BULLSHIT WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WAKING UP LIBTARDS NOT MAKING THEM MORE RETARDED!!! HELLO?? please dont take this to heart you try to do good work i guess i do appreciate your efforts! thankyou

1 year ago

Lazer via china satallitevwas used on Maui onece wing was right. Big flash and was arson by cia working with china . All drought conditions set in place all over world to uses fires as new political weapons . Cia brats don’t get there way then they use space weapons to bun city’s to cause kayos..

1 year ago

Cloud seeding is another cia deep state scam. Since covid didn’t work to wipe population out. New scam is cia use space weapons like lasers partial beems to burn ground from space to try to scare the people by burning there city’s down. A last ditch of control. They drought out forest city’s then spray metals on us all day. Then space weapons shot hot beens down then they have a another scam. They get rich off fema scam. Deep state steels half the money from fema then they get rich off the rebuild of homes and lumber. Big ponzey skeem. Cia causes all kinds of kayos then they also grab kids too to traffic and organ harvest. The prick senater said don’t let a crisis go to wast. Get it. Cia also steers hurricaine for political gain too then get rich of fema scams. Operation popey is cia patented weapons too to flood your political enamy by making it rain 40 inches in one day by dropping silver idine from military aircraft. . right now all asets are deployed from deep state on there way out from white hats bring them to there knees. Gene decode claim that most dumbs have been caved in and nuked and flooded by white hats. They had 450 years of food stores down there too was recoverd. Ebs military base was taken over by white hats. Just few cia strong holds left.

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