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Vonny Osborn
Vonny Osborn
23 days ago

here we go again ! this week is suppose to be epic…..just how many times have we heard that ? why drag this out so long ? why make us suffer continually ? why do you keep lying to us,saying we will get our money on a certain date ? its getting boreing,and OLD to hear these lies daily !!! but NOTHING EVER HAPPENS THATS GOOD FOR US !!!
im tired,and needing a medbed like so many other people !!!

Louis stone
23 days ago

My iPad will not open the site after I get it on screen it just sits there. On restored republic.co

23 days ago

Same ole horse still being beaten to death, same beating of the drum. All talk while nothing is being shown to the people. People continue to suffer while the rich continue to pad their pockets. I know this from experience. I have extensive spinal damage, damage under the base of my skull which causes as many as 4 excruciating headaches a day, COPD, trying to live on 1300 a month in SS while being denied disability SS because “their” doctor who has never laid eyes on me or spoken to me says I don’t qualify for “their” program. And at the same time they keep trying to garnish my SS over debt I can’t pay, which they have already stolen from me in the first place. But we are told to trust the plan that is designed to keep you calm while they take control of you and everything you own without you fighting back. White hats, black hats, its all part of the same lie to get you to comply with what they are planning to do to you until its to late to do anything about it. The left and right wing belong to the same bird. How do you enslave a nation? By making them believe they are free. If Trump bankrupted the US inc. and it doesn’t exist anymore, then what is he running for president of? He’s got you people believing he gave up his wealthy lifestyle because he loves you so much, while he’s still a multi billionaire elite living in a billion dollar home, eating steaks and hugging flags with gold fringe, which means you are owned by the royals, while you can’t afford gas. And at the same time they let you believe that a brain dead old man can force a high end whore down your throats as a nominee for president of something that supposedly doesn’t exist. We need a great awakening alright, awakening to their b.s.. Like most others, I fell for their lies too in the beginning, but I’m not wasting my time voting for any of the criminal bastards anymore.

Lisa Steen
Lisa Steen
23 days ago

I thank God for you & your Team. Will miss your updates when we go dark. I pray God restores your time & concern for the YEARS you have worked for the whole World! TY! TY all! ❤️🙌🏼🇺🇸 Lisa in Lubbock TX

Steel Azalea
Steel Azalea
23 days ago

Are you saying Ivermectin causes INFERTILITY???

22 days ago
Reply to  Steel Azalea

Apparently Dr. Mike Yeadon is making this claim, but I am aware he may work for Pfizer…so it’s all a big lie to stop people from using Ivermectin because it Does work!

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
23 days ago

The other day RR mentioned something about the money owed to family members that had passed and not being passed to surviving members. He or she said something to the effect, what does that matter, that’s not what this is about. I took it as an idiotic statement to say and shows a complete misunderstanding this government and of the total endeavor being taken world wide.
Everyone has their opinion and they are welcomed to it.
You take some of my Daddy’s HARD earned money, and think it doesn’t matter where it goes, I just hope you are still trying to get that boot out of your ass because there’s a line a mile long behind you.
We know, what this is about, obviously a lot better than you. So just,shut up, when it comes to other peoples’ entitlements and worry about yourself. You have no idea how other people have had to live, so step down off of your thrown…
I know you mean well, but shit like that is what causes civil disturbances and worse. SO, think before talking about things that don’t effect you obviously.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
23 days ago

A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your GOD detests anyone who does this.
Deuteronomy 22 – 51

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.
Psalms 29 – 11

But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.
Psalms 37c – 11

Psalms 37c
12 – 40

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