Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of August 24, 2023



Author : Judy Byington

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1 year ago

You’ve been saying the same stuff for 2 years. Restored Republic is Fake News.

1 year ago

Stop repeating we need action not words

1 year ago

Thanks for this report as many need to hear it world wide to prepare. This needs to be spread far and wide for understanding of what is coming.

1 year ago

We were told weeks ago that Wells Fargo been removed from the RV/RI project because of a bank scandal several years ago. The project of exchanges had been handed over to Bank of America. Now it’s back at Wells Fargo? One can’t keep up with the various stories; they are changing too fast.

OF COURSE the Hawaii attack was a perfect chance for the pedophiles to abduct children. They did the same thing in Haiti right after a disaster several years ago. Single executions are taking too long, and probably costing too much. Tie all the monsters to a metal fence hooked up to electricity and flip the switch. Dig a huge trench along the fence line; push the entire fence into it; cover it up with dirt. Put a marker and photos on the spot that shows people what happens to monsters. Record the whole operation and use it as a deterrent.

“An EMP is imminent.” “The White Hats are in control.”

If we have to wait for Trump to activate NESARA, I think we’re in more trouble than we realize. He sounded NOTHING like he was going to do any such thing in his interview last night with Tucker Carlson. He focused mostly on 2024. Not a hint, a clue, or a code about EBS, Alliance, martial law, NESARA, dissolved IRS, Deep State (not even the latter’s massacre in Hawaii), arrests and executions of monsters, planeloads of gold returned to the US from the Vatican … none of what we’ve been hearing about – some of it for years.

1 year ago

We’ll miss having all the SECRETS kept from us during a communication systems blackout. Not.

We’ll see what the EBS actually tells us, if it ever happens. Very few leftist communist DemonCrats are going to believe anything they don’t want to believe. You could EBS them for months and they would still be anti-America and western civilization, anti-Christian, pro-pervert, pro-criminal, pro-illegal alien invasion.

Congress isn’t concerned about being sued by the Brunson brothers. They know the corrupt courts protect the corrupt. Where did justice come from, according to Mau Tse Tung? (Hint: Not from judges and courts.)

“Kidnapping” is a recognized crime everywhere in the US. “Ripping children from parents” is not.

1 year ago

How simple it is to SAY “Just say no.” But when 25 armed Federales are at your front door to force Inject you, it’s not quite that simple. If you “just say no” are they going to say, “Well, okay … then we’ll leave”? No way. Nor is it as simple if you can’t buy food anywhere because you are “just saying no” to wearing a mask.

The Alliance should not have let this “movie” go on long enough for us to be facing another round of Covid tyranny and murder. They should not have allowed people like the J6 political victims, and Sidney Powell and Rudy Guiliani to be jailed (and likely murdered in jail … they could simply be force Injected, right?). How much of our population has to be killed before China can easily take over the country, and why does the Alliance give the appearance of helping China with that? (I’m not saying they are; I’m saying that’s what it looks like to the victims and the intended victims of the DS.)

1 year ago

Since the Alliance has commanded the MSM to start putting out the truth, or they will take over the MSM, we should be hearing about the arrest of Erik Hooks on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, and in the New York Times and other liberal/pro-DS papers. We should also see reports on the Maui attack, including the many children missing and the number of criminals killed by the Marines. They are going to have to go into overdrive to catch up on the reported executions of elites at Gitmo. Perhaps we will also see documentaries on those very interesting silicone masks.

I wonder why the Alliance warned Criswell, yet they don’t appear to have warned the Hawaiians? Does the Alliance have the missing children? If so, why are they keeping that a SECRET?

What should we do with the monsters like Criswell? Copied and pasted from another of my comments here: “Tie all the monsters to a metal fence hooked up to electricity and flip the switch. Dig a huge trench along the fence line; push the entire fence into it; cover it up with dirt. Put a marker and photos on the spot that shows people what happens to monsters. Record the whole operation and use it as a deterrent.”

1 year ago

We are apparently only going to be able to reach people in person during the 10 Days. That means fairly close neighbors only. I’m sure we’ll be talking to them but I wonder how much good that will do. The other people we know (friends and family) are often not close neighbors and we won’t be able to tell them “I told you so” until after the 10 Days.

Bill Looney
Bill Looney
1 year ago

Guy you’ve been talking this stuff for three years now three years and still no EBS no change Trump has been indicted. When is all this shit supposed to really happen because it’s been three years and you’ve been saying the same stuff over and over and over it’ll be nice if you would just come out and give us a real date and time, otherwise it’s all air. You said that in 24 hours things would be changing still hasn’t changed. I’ll bet you Christmas rolls around and Trump is still not in the office and he’ll probably be indicted in a prison by then you’ve been talking about the ebs going off and it’s never gone off yet. I don’t know dude I think somebody’s feet in your head full of shit. Sorry for the word, but I just believe somebody’s lying to you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bill Looney

I think it’s Judy Byington who does these reports. The “guy” reading them often sounds like a machine to me.

Sarkis Zeitounian
1 year ago

Thank you God Bless America
America loves Trump

1 year ago

Thank you…
I’m sorry I didn’t have any $ to give right now. I pray for yall that GOD WILL BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR WORK…

1 year ago

Next month it will be the SOS RV at the end of thebmonth!

1 year ago

What ever bitches. You’ve been saying the same shit forever now and not a damn thing EVER happens. We remnain under this crooked ADMERALTY Law bull and remain slaves to the GOVERNMENT! Well I have my Guns locked and loaded. It’s time for a revolution! It’s time to take matters into our own hands.

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