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Will Larimer
Will Larimer
1 year ago

The luciferian globalist central bank digital currencies will be digital ONLY, without even printed paper. As soon as we are determined by the sensors in the smart cities to have said or done something that the satanists say aren’t allowed, they can turn off our access to our accounts with great ease.

Will Larimer
Will Larimer
1 year ago

The luciferian globalist central bank digital currencies will be digital ONLY, without even printed paper. As soon as we are determined by the sensors in the smart cities to have said or done something that the satanists say aren’t allowed, they can turn off our access to our accounts with great ease. U.S.N. will be gold backed after the global currency reset. 209 nations have agreed to the QFS and there shouldn’t be any fiat available anywhere, unless the gov’t criminals prevail against the U.S. military.

1 year ago

If all the bad people were taken out 2 to 3 yrs ago, then who’s starting all the fires?

1 year ago

One of Trump’s EOs made animal abuse a serious federal crime. There are lots of people guilty of animal abuse in these fires. If for some reason they can’t be prosecuted for homicide, it should be easy to get them on massive multiple counts of animal abuse.

I remember when Islamist terrorists said they would burn the West down. Little did we know that monsters from our own countries would beat them to it.

Charlie Ward says that Tier 4B would be exchanging after the RV is announced. But it was allegedly already announced in a very obscure way with the launch of BRICS Pay. Still … nothing.

1 year ago

If all the bad people have been taken out, then who is setting the DEW fires? And how is it that they are now being “whisked away” to Gitmo?

1 year ago
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Are we being led by the Pied Piper

1 year ago
Reply to  Nightfightter4

Who knows? We don’t know who or what to believe any more.

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