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Vonny Osborn
Vonny Osborn
1 month ago

all you’ve donr for the last 2 years is LIE !!! the money will happen any minute….or you even have given dates,and those dates come,and go and we never see nothing ! you guys must be democrats because all you do is lie to us !!!
drag the carrot some more….

1 month ago

get American troops out of the eastern countries let those demons of Isreal perish as god has deemed

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 month ago

Oh, yes. Hot dogs were code words for little boys. Pizza was a code word for little girls. And, yes, Biden and Obama ordered many hot dogs and pizza to be delivered to the White House!

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 month ago

Oh, yes. Hot dogs were code words for little boys. Pizza was a code word for little girls. And, yes, Biden and Obama ordered many hot dogs and pizzas to be delivered to the White House!

1 month ago

Sadly… I was not rescued (NEVER). Am now 73 year old male and will never be able to think of myself as a person because of what was done to me as child. Cannot bear to be with any one, not even for friendship. Hate to be touched. Still have nightmares about the little girls ballerina outfit I was forced to wear as I pranced around with my privates exposed. Hate sex and life with all of my heart (any one I tell just goes away) I am dead inside ###

1 month ago

I was not going to comment, but it still disturbs me that even the good guys have their bias in reporting. Do you think we don’t know what is being hidden and why? Even you slant the topics to cover up where the real truth lies. It really does sadden me. I would hope it’s out of innocent ignorant, but I tend to doubt it.
I pray when our Rebirth begins, game playing will be over. That truth, honor, and integrity will be the order of the day. That Love, Harmony, and Peace will reign. It is also time for justice to begin to heal a broken, fragmented, dysfunctional society. As for me, there is much work to be done. I hope it’s not too late.

james iler
james iler
1 month ago

STOP the AI audio!!! I cannot listen to this anymore. PLEASE!!! Can’t you find a REAL American to narrate this important daily update? The fake voice is SO irritating with its mispronunciations and inflection errors!!! Thank you.

1 month ago

I love your report every day. you are my daily news. Thank you!!!!

1 month ago

Same empty claims, different day..

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