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3 months ago

Thanks for informative pod cast daily. I look forward to them.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
3 months ago

So, I’ve had a couple of comments nixed it seems. Well like we’ve said, pushed to September, soon it will be October and beyond, especially for the regular people. They steal and lie to us, just watch, it will be a continuous something happening to keep us from receiving our portion of the pie. And, the amount will dwindle. WATCH! It will always be something like Trump paying his Tokens, which he never did, and people sold homes and are now without because of promises made. Oh, but there’s NESARA, maybe for you. Same pay, same bills, same lies for me so far. Oh, King Trump, that was expected and not wanted..greed! I told you, enough is never enough. WATCH!
The Culling continues.
How much in our family name will they take to pass to their buddies? How much off the top are going in to perfect pockets. No wonder, I’ve been isolated, called crazy, not even talked to….and it was done to us on purpose…. couldn’t have done it without us and treats us like shft. Yes, I’m one of the ones that has been packed since February for a 1 March payout. That was when my opinion changed about a LOT and looking at it in a different light. Yes, your son Baron is a good young man and loves you dearly. How many dads never came back from wars, being volunteers or drafted. My dad was drafted and sent to Taiwan. My dad died at the age of 69 after working hard all his life. I heard him start his coffee every morning. I got up and made it look like I was going to go pee so I could hug him and tell him I loved him. He always looked up and smiled and said good morning son,,,,,,drinking coffee and working the crossword puzzle out of the Morning News paper at the dinner table.
And the Culling continues.

3 months ago

Where does one get a Q phone ??

Ted Freeman
3 months ago

Would it not be nice to see these execution live on television so we know these traders are removed. They will not do it because there going to let them keep all the money they stole just disappear while we are still left with empty pockets and not a chance in hell ever getting our stolen money back. We need to make sure everyone in charge of a government office is executed. This has to be implanted in them so deep they will never try it again. And make sure we that it will not be tolerated and if found guilty automatic execution immediately after there trial with no appeal.

3 months ago

I am convinced that since MO., ’78, everyone in my life, friends, women, were all playing a part. The people I loved and trusted, were fake, and they all despised me.
I know who I am. I am Marty. And I say to everyone that is part of, “Everybody knows Marty!”,…… you know only what “they” wanted you to know. There’s more. So much more.
And the “delta” “they” created? I know everything that “he” knows, all his training, his psyche when he was given orders, his mind, the complete absence of fear and physical pain, the sheer focus, the strength.
It took decades of me freaking out, trying to make sense of it all. The two halves are one.

3 months ago

Exact same report as August 30th, nothing new. September 1st is Sunday, not Monday. Why overturn the 2020 electing 4 years later? The damage is already done. Should have been overturned from the start. During the great tribulation, people will throw their gold in the streets, it will be useless. What you see happening is exactly what God said would happen in the last days, including the elites standing back and watching their empires burn. It’s true that you better get ready, but not for what you think.

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