Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 5, 2023



Author : Judy Byington

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1 year ago

BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 year ago

You mention “the list below” of foods which contain fetal cells. WHERE IS THE LIST BELOW????

Southern Belle
Southern Belle
1 year ago

Judy, the Act of 1871 was after the Civil War. The Republic was broke. The Rothschilds funded both sides of the war. And I’m sure you know the war was not about slavery. The southern states wanted to rule themselves as the founders intended. Lincoln was centralizing the government and imposed very unfair tariffs on the south, as they were making lots of money in trade with Europe.

Tony johnson
Tony johnson
1 year ago

The earth is flat. There is no planet.

Scott Fitzgerald smith
Scott Fitzgerald smith
1 year ago

earth doesnt rotate, its common knowledge by now, and rivers dont change the shape of earth. GREAT AWAKENING BUT YOURE STILL PUSHING LIES, FRAUDS

Randy Lewis
Randy Lewis
1 year ago

Did you say you’re spreading disinformation or this information?

Scott Picchiottino
Scott Picchiottino
1 year ago
Reply to  Randy Lewis

So I am not the only one who noticed!

Paul A Coover
1 year ago
Reply to  Randy Lewis

It’s actually written right on the show. It has Typed letters and words for clarification. It is written as ‘This information”.
I doid a double take two. This only illistrates the importance of the written word. After all, two plus too inn.t four. Little things matter. I like how you think. God Bless you.

aluminum and mercury.png
Paul A Coover
1 year ago

Senomyx….look it up. Fetal Baby Kidneys are used to make your flavor profiles.
They Buy the Tissue donations from Planned Parenthood for up to a couple hundred thousand dollars per tissue donation (abortion)

1 year ago

I watch this daily and appreciate the real news. What is going on with the dong, can you keep us updated on it as well

Barbara Blanco
1 year ago

I am wondering why the info here conflicts with the info given by Kimberly Goguen from the Office of the Guardian. Can someone explain this ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Barbara Blanco

Use your discernment about news from this site, it give Kim G a wide berth. FOS she is.

Bill Looney
Bill Looney
1 year ago

You say that the three gorges dam stops the rotation of the Earth, or slows it down. I got documents from NASA and the jet propulsion center proving that the earth does not rotate the taking off and landing of aircraft is calculated on a non-rotating surface think about it if the Earth is moving from west to east at 1320 ft./s which is 1000 miles an hour how are you gonna land an airplane on a north and south runway without ripping the sucker Apart You would have to fly that airplane sideways at 1000 miles an hour and forward to landing on a north and south runway because the Earth is going from west to east at 1000 miles an hour which is 1320 ft./s. Cannot be done the Earth does not rotate and I got documents to prove it. If you want to see him text me I’ll be happy to share him with you.

Scott Picchiottino
Scott Picchiottino
1 year ago

I am sick of hearing the daily storyline of Bronson’s. Move on , it’s not news, just distractions.

1 year ago

Agree 100%

1 year ago

STOP LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

If Covid had ever been “invented,” it would have been isolated by now. Covid was some flu that the Deep State blew up into a crisis (THAT’S what was invented) to scare the gullible into taking dangerous/lethal injections.

Note to JFK, Jr: Put your money where your mouth is. You and the rest of the Alliance need to get off dead center and get the country back on track while there are still some people left to populate the country. (In other words, before all the food has been poisoned, all the water has been poisoned, all the air has been poisoned, all the farmland has been bought by foreigners and Deep State criminals, poison injections are forced on us at gunpoint, etc.)

Everything is ready but they will shut us down? So the White Hats aren’t in control, it appears.

If Bitcoin is tied to the Three Gorges Dam and thus the CCP, isn’t it about time it was taken down? JFK, Jr? Trump? Alliance?

1 year ago
Reply to 

You got that right. So many news people think we are as stooopid as they are. We figure the contradictions but they keeps saying them.

1 year ago

It’s looking like we might need internment camps for the Chinese like the ones we had for the Japanese during WWII. Better some nasty comments than 100 million dead Americans.

What does “Fox begs Trump” mean?

Our American veterans have an unacceptable rate of homelessness, while Biden-Democrats’ beloved illegal alien invaders/voters are put up in $1,000/night hotel rooms – at taxpayer expense. SHAME on the Democrats. If your taxes take a huge jump, those invaders and the Democrats will be the reason. We were robbed to support the Democrats’ invaders to the tune of $168 BILLION last year; what will it be this year?

I’ve been battling the IRS for 13 years, first on my dad’s behalf and then on behalf of his trust. The Obama IRS assessed a penalty against him for something he forgot to do, but there was no allowance for a penalty in law, rule or regulation. The penalty was paid to keep interest from running on it – in case we lost the case against the IRS. The first time the court found against us. Our attorney felt so strongly that that was blatantly wrong that he filed for a re-hearing and is paying all the costs himself.

1 year ago

How about criminal CPS not “ripping” children, but KIDNAPPING them? Let’s make the criminals look as bad as possible without actually lying about them. They actually LIE about us – why are we pulling punches for their benefit?

We’ve got one alleged “expert” insisting that NESARA/GESARA will only pay out to farmers and humanitarian projects, to to individuals as we have been told. If that were the case, Trump wouldn’t be needed to oversee N/G. For the millionth time, I wish I
knew which story is correct.

I’m glad to see some care for animals here. I noted that horse lovers should keep an eye on what happens to the Clydesdales, considering that the Busch is having a bad time because it demonstrated that it doesn’t care about the people who buy their beer. And if they don’t care about people, why would they stop at selling the horses that aren’t famous (broodmares, young horses, and stallions) for slaughter? I was made fun of by someone claiming to be “moral” on a video platform; he thought the Clydesdales going to slaughter would be funny.

1 year ago

Science is the New Nazi Reich. Who knows what number?

Bill Gates has supposedly been executed twice for crimes against humanity. Once in India, and once at Gitmo. AGAIN, I wish we could know the truth.

“Risk benefit analysis”? !!! WAAAY too complicated for the normie idiots!

Isn’t it some sort of crime in America to plan and push mass murder? And if so, why is Bill Gates still free to cause problems? (If he really is free – or even alive.)

Do we believe NASA’s claim that the Three Gorges Dam has slowed the Earth’s rotation and changed its shape? It took a 9.0 earthquake in Chile to knock the Earth 1.5 degrees off its axis, and that was a one-time thing, not an ongoing effect. Do we believe ANYTHING that NASA tells us? This is probably just something they cooked up to back up the left’s insistence that people are causing Earth changes.

Robert Woods
Robert Woods
1 year ago
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So correct

1 year ago
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Dear Texan Rost and Rouser.

i love your clear thinking.
trying to find a bit of truth in the different stories is frustrating. My pending file is jammed.

1 year ago

Our judicial system has been weaponized against conservatives. We have no guarantee that Trump will be able to do anything even though legal. The judge can simply say “no.” And if the judge is removed from the bench (and which Democrat would do that?), then the next judge can also say “no.” If it goes to a higher court, that judge can say “no.” If it goes to the Supreme Court, they can just do nothing like they’ve already done several times and are doing right now. Good Luck, dear President Trump. I have a feeling you’re going to need it!

How is Biden the legitimate president of anything? Most of his votes were fraudulent. Aside from that, anyone with a villa in Ukraine with child trafficking tunnels under it should be removed from the presidency, or from the appearance of being the president. He lost the 2020 election, but fooled enough people into believing he won it to get several years during which he could do as much damage to America as possible.

1 year ago

Where are you getting the quotes from David Wilcock? First, he isn’t very political and the quotes don’t sound like something he would say. Second, he hasn’t posted anything on his blog on his website since 2019, and he hasn’t posted anything new on You Tube since three months ago.

1 year ago

Please repeat the “fetal cells report”? The alleged foods list was no presented on 8-5-23

Allan carcher
Allan carcher
1 year ago

What, or who is the source of information on the SSI increase to up to 5000$ and when? I’d like to do my own research.

Pelton’s Diesel Repair

Most this is all bullshit. When are they gonna stop beating around the bush and actually fucking do something I like trump and I don’t wanna see people see the bullshit that I see but I am sick and tired of being broke about to lose my business about to lose my house And my business is just me I don’t have employees just me taking care of my family and it’s a absolute joke. I’ve been outside this country there used to be places that was worse than this. This place is getting pretty fucking bad not granite there are moments where Trump acts like a two year old, but he still done more for this country than anybody else has , I live in Florida and DeSantis doesn’t deserve to be president because he hasn’t fix shit here. There’s still a bunch of government overreach here so he’s nothing but a joke if this is a movie it needs to come to an end because this is ridiculous. I am sick and tired of killing myself just to be able to somewhat have a life I work well over 100 hours a week as a mobile diesel mechanic in the heat and it’s just an absolute joke. The government works for us. If Truck can’t get his shit together then we need to start taking over and start eliminating the government. We have the right to do that. Read the fucking constitution.

James. Simac
James. Simac
1 year ago

We love and depend on. Judy. Bridgton report. Thank you.

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