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Bruce Ingrassia
Bruce Ingrassia
1 month ago

your videos wont play on my computer anymore after 7 years of listening and passing your videos around to others….why

Jack Throckmorton
Jack Lee Throckmorton II
1 month ago

Praising Mr. Trump for signing the Foreclose Law in to affect back in July. Saving my family home from being taken by the “Evils of Foreclosure”. Let him know of my praises to him! Yahuah! please bless this man that is your servant in these times!

rod souza
1 month ago

What is really going on? Hearing about the fed and IRS being shut down, yet everyone is still worried about taxes and plunder from the system. Hearing about all these arrests yet we still have these masses of criminals still running the planet still working on their agenda of world genocide. In spite of all these reports about the deep state going down, it appears that the deep state and all the rest of the evil actors are all still alive and well and growing full tilt boogie on world conquest. If there was any real justice there would be multi millions of bad actors on the gallows. I haven’t even seen or heard about one of these evil actors taken down. I am beginning to believe this is all just one big shit show cyop.

1 month ago

When is the world gonna be allowed to know the real Hitler? The Rothchilds, Rockefellers, etc, never supported or funded The Socialist National Party. There was no Nazi party in Germany at that time. A stinking Zionist created the name! Hitler took out three Rothchilds Central Banks. There was no Holocaust. The jews created the fictional Nazi party.

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