Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 21, 2023



Author : Judy Byington

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gary boyd
gary boyd
1 year ago

Dear Sirs, I still can not open any of your Intel. Can you please tell me what is going on?

1 year ago

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen “the final countdown.” It’s looking like the best policy might be to believe nothing; that way, one won’t be disappointed.

Why is it unbelievable that Biden’s Ukraine property has child trafficking tunnels under it? He certainly supported the world wide genocide by “vaccination,” and that means he supports/supported the murder of over 7 BILLION people. Nothing bad about Biden should be unbelievable.

US Redemption center employees worked on a national holiday … and STILL nothing happened. I’ll bet they are really thrilled with that.

1 year ago

It seems like it would behoove the Supreme Court to agree to hear the Brunson case if NESARA is really getting so close. Surely they know how it would look for them to refuse to be part of NESARA.

Trusting the plan is getting more difficult. In this video we are told that a martial law plan was involved in the Injection Genocide. We’ve also been told that at some point before this hideous mess is cleaned up, martial law will be in force. How will we know whether it is “good” martial law? Judging by past events, we won’t. It will be yet another SECRET.

EMP: With chips not working and police immobilized, the People would finally be free to use their Second Amendment rights to clean out some of the human trash. Looters beware!

It looks to me like the elites need to be “brought under control,” not the People.

It appears that nothing is going to be “implemented” until after an EMP strike, at which time nothing CAN be implemented. (For instance, look what has been done with the proof of election fraud that the Quantum system collected.) Great plan.

Selling Zim to the Alliance activates the gold certificates? Now that’s a new one. And when are people going to be able to sell their Zim to the Alliance, since redemption centers never seem to be put to work?

1 year ago

why do you repete sentences all the time….who writes this stuff , and is this site owned by someone in Singapore?

1 year ago

So the banks will be bankrupt, will shut down, will then come back to life as special people pretending to be regular bank employees and tend to the needs of customers. Customers will be on the QFS system, which will remain yet another SECRET. Anyone smell DECEIT, or rather, MORE DECEIT?

Why all the deceit? Why not just announce that the banking system has been replaced, but that people can continue going to their accustomed places for banking services. Is that so difficult to understand that the lowered IQs of Americans are insufficient to allow them to understand it?

We’ve been told for a couple of years (via Charlie Ward, for instance) that our funds in banks will be – or are – automatically mirrored in the QFS, and that our money is safe even if banks try to steal it from our non-QFS accounts. Now we’re told that our funds won’t be in the QFS until we move them there. Which is it?

Why would Iraq or Vietnam exchange their currencies for more than 1-to-1 with the US Dollar now, when they can simply wait until all currencies are 1-to-1 ?

Craig Perras
1 year ago

I’m not sure what to think anymore. Todays video pretty much destroyed any happy good feelings I had accumulated. I fear for my children mostly. Me? I’m 62 and have had a happy life as an artist and musician, but current events and your videos made me realize today, that Cabal has been going unchecked now for so long, with millions coming across our border, poison gas clouds, destruction of our food and money. You were right. about the the bad stuff, I mean. And I’m sure the people now can SEE clearly like you all wanted. But? isn’t it too late now. Perhaps a year ago may have helped. I get it, if the RV wasn’t ready/ Maybe we were just too late for everything. I no longer know what to do? I am realizing that all the hope I had was false security. I guess I would prefer to take my own life than have it be at the hands of the Deep State, which from the sound of it, could be any day now, as it seems. I hope. For four years now, I have encouraged friends, family and strangers, that all will be ok. Now, I am no longer sure of anything. I am sorry if I was not strong enough. I always thought I was. Maybe it’s because Im from Ohio. I saw a friend of mine on the news from Lima, Ohio. All her chickens were dead shortly after the toxic cloud blew. Now we can look forward to EMPs. Yay. I guess the DS were going to kill us either way.

Clois Beckwith
1 year ago

Here is my problem, This RV, Nesara and Gesara is way too late. We are at our wits end, the country is broke and living not even to paycheck to paycheck. This administration is out of control. The military needs to be activated and just get it over, get the gold back dollars out to the people, arrest the corrupted and quit waiting on slow. We are tired, broke, no relief for those people that are essentially bankrupt. I am a point where, waiting is pointless…. even for Trump and the Military. People are dying, and I an the wife may be on the short list…..

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