Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 6, 2023



Author : Judy Byington

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1 year ago

I sent my letters weeks ago and it amazes me that they have only received 60,000 so far. People get off your asses and send the letters to end this ASAP. There were no guide lines when I sent mine but I included the case number and scolded them for not acting January 6, 2022. The thousands of sworn affidavits of citizens were ignored bringing the total destruction of America closer than ever seen. It was the Supreme Courts job to protect WE The People and the Constitution and they refused to do so in a timely manner. That alone should have given them enough to act considering nothing they or Congress has done in the last 150 years has been legal.

1 year ago

Same o Same o

1 year ago

The Brunson case isn`t the case that should be tried, the fact that DC is run by the British Crown is the real treason or should I say the infiltration of our gov . Tell it straight, this country was captured 93 years after its creation and have been under yhe Crown ever since .

Joseph McKay
Joseph McKay
1 year ago

delete this one please

Last edited 1 year ago by Joseph McKay
Joseph McKay
Joseph McKay
1 year ago

over 20 years ago, I sent registered mail, return receipt, to all places where I had registered to vote…requesting I be taken off there voter rolls. This, after I’d learned, by registering to vote and voting, was an act of treason, being the corp. USA had taken over…just saying. Maybe worth further investigation and research!
By voting, someone can be considered taking part in the very rebellion, that is being fought here.

1 year ago

Please be careful using letters rather than words. I assume “EO superpower” is referring to Executive Order? But I don’t really know.
3 major arrests senior officials. Who? That’s just another unverifiable statement, one of many, many similar statements. The Alliance continues with secrets that we are just supposed to believe, after more than two years of secrets. I wouldn’t be surprised if the first indictment is secret. If so, we’ll hear that it occurred, but it will be unverifiable. I think most of us can understand that intel can change with changes in circumstances, but we are FED UP with being kept in the dark, and we’re especially fed up with being told that we have to wait for more people to wake up … with nothing to prove to them that there is anything to wake up to, because of all the secrecy.
Is it merely ironic that releasing funds so that everyone can have a pleasant lifestyle has been delayed until there is apparently going to be some kind of destructive solar event?

Donna Miller
Donna Miller
1 year ago

Thank you again for your report… I hope that the Brunson case is taken up on January 6, 2023… As Faux Joe needs to be gone and all those who have been working for those that want our Country taken down and our freedoms taken from us… Thank you to all those that are fighting to Restore Our Country and the World… May God always have your back… We must continue to pray for our Country and the World’s Freedom from these EVIL DOERS…. Think about the Frequency that would occur if we all said a prayer to the effect for God to help us put all the bad actors DOWN once and for ALL… I will be saying that Prayer tonight join me in your own words and feelings… Imagine the wave across the world, I can see it and feel it… Thank you…

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