Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 9, 2023



Author : Judy Byington

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Dale Kirkland
Dale Kirkland
1 year ago

Please slow down the AI talking.. I can’t keep up with know you could use a HUMAN to do all the least they would know when a period stops a sentence.. ever since you made changes to the captions I have not been able to hear or read half of what was said.. I’m deaf.. y’all do not take into consideration the deaf in your posts.. slow it down.. give us time to read what is being said ????????

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 year ago

Good to hear McCarthy is on a dog leash, and hopefully at Gitmo very soon!

1 year ago

All great news!! Now I am going to be looking for the ankle monitor on mr. McCarthy. Thank you all for your service!

1 year ago

LMAO if we need to give scoutis a dollar to do their rightful job then they aint worth a pile of dog shit !!! Im sure this is only your ploy to grift money . Assholes !!!

A Mother in America
A Mother in America
1 year ago

The Brunson case kicked out of Supreme Court announced on the web site TODAY. Nothing happening. Hillary teaching at university. NOTHING TO SEE ALL TALK. ALLLLLLL TALLLKKKK

1 year ago

It’s not very encouraging that the globalists have been allowed to continue maiming and murdering since Lincoln’s time.

I wonder why it took two years to execute Hillary Clinton, when one of the great advantages military tribunals was allegedly the speed with which the monsters could be dealt. Of course, two years is still much faster than she would have been tried, convicted and dispatched in civilian courts, but it still isn’t fast.

SCOTUS agreeing to take the Brunson case is not enough. The case was filed and accepted on the basis that the situation which brought it about is a national emergency. SCOTUS should have agreed to take the case and should have committed to RULE ON IT IMMEDIATELY. Do the Justices think they will be treated well by Chinese invaders?

1 year ago

Sorcha Faal was discredited years ago. What has he/she done since then to overcome that?

So Mexico “explodes,” making the US border situation an even bigger disaster than it was. Meanwhile, NESARA (which would cause most illegals to return to their home countries to collect their share of the money) has been begun, but is a SECRET, so the illegal alien invaders continue inundating the US and stripping the US taxpayers of what little they have left. Secrets are hurting us, just as JFK warned that they would.

US home sales are falling. Imagine that! Millions of Americans have been disabled or killed, or have lost their jobs and are spending down their life’s savings, or are already homeless. Those people aren’t likely to be in the market for new homes.

Amazon is cutting jobs because Americans no longer have enough money to purchase from Amazon as frequently as they did just a couple of years ago. Manufacturing seems to be showing the effect of that problem, too.

On the other hand, we have lost 2.5 million people from the workforce due to Covid Injections and there are Help Wanted signs everywhere across the country (according to Ed Dowd). That should be offsetting some of the job cuts.

What did we THINK was going to happen when the monsters killed, disabled, and disenfranchised tens of millions of Americans? That it was going to rosy after that?

1 year ago

It’s gratifying to see the response to Bed, Bath & Beyond’s communist behavior. They dumped Mike Lindell and My Pillow to support criminal pedophile, vampire, cannibal communists and they are receiving the payoff for that now. Fortunately for any of their displaced employees, there are Help Wanted signs on most businesses in my area, and Ed Dowd says they are all over the country due to a loss of 2.5 million workers from our workforce (Covid Injection deaths and disabilities).

Stopping funding for Covid Injections ONLY will cause hospitals to look for government money elsewhere. The other place they have made tremendous money is in the Remdesivir-ventilator Kill Protocol. The money paid to hospitals for Covid deaths should have also been stopped. I suspect that we will now see a huge increase in alleged Covid deaths in hospitals. We are going to have to be very proactive to protect our loved ones who have to go into hospitals. If the Nuremberg 2.0 trials would begin, that might discourage those hospitals.

Colleges and universities have a lot to answer for; let’s hope they have to do so.

Patricia Sims
Patricia Sims
1 year ago

Wrong again. They did not take up the brunson case.

Last edited 1 year ago by Patricia Sims
1 year ago

The Supreme Court will not take the Brunson Case.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leena

I think that even SCOTUS is afraid of Obama Law “ Anyone from government who only say word NESARA will be immediately persecuted by death “ that why they not take Brunson Case. It must be only Military who will announce it !!!

Lynda Eggimann
Lynda Eggimann
1 year ago

I NEVER go to bed without listening.. and I thank you so much for the work and effort you have put in on our behalf.. Your news is the BEST. Upbeat even when it’s bad news.. and to JUDY.. thanks for knowing who will save the constitution when it hangs by a thread.
yours very Sincerley.

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