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1 day ago

Hey, A person of interest [Dustin Nemos] has written an artificial claiming that according to Scripture, Donald Trump is the antichrist. Responding to Dustin’s eMail, I wrote that it was far more likely that he [Dustin] was demon possessed than Trump was the antichrist. I went on… and several times I have heard Trump claim Jesus is Lord. Those words would NEVER be uttered from the lips of the antichrist. Besides, the evil deep state cabal had won, literally bringing America to the threshold of the tribulation (the antichrist’s big day], why would Trump [if he were the antichrist] stop or interrupt the sacred child sacrificing of children to Molech? He would not. Dustin just maintained that I was deluded. So in the next few days we will see if Trump becomes the next evil world dictator or… sets the world on fire with freedom and a return to Jesus. Hmm… the day of Jubilee has not yet happened and must before the return of Jesus, thus I believe President Trump is right on track. Would greatly like to know your opinion on this.

Brad McNew
Brad McNew
1 day ago

What a negative and un revelant reoprt
What’s with reading. Punctuation…
Bad nothing revelant.

Lorinda Madore
1 day ago

They got rid of the Forestry Dept decades ago. William Mount used to work for them. Very bitter about what happened.

1 day ago

Think a scammer eMailed me this morning about whether I had received my QFS appointment. Said no and wouldn’t have said otherwise even if I had received it. Those childhood years with my parents trying to eliminate me [yes kill] and the 55 years working a sales counter in stores and the 49 years on the Internet may have left me a bit hard to reason with [that is if you are playing the greed game with my money]. Yes I tithe according to the Bible but I do not give anywhere or to anyone else.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
1 day ago

It’s a shame that Trump has turned out to be a thief and a liar. $6,000.00 of my own gone. A promised $10,241,000.00 gone. Says he is probably as popular as Jesus Christ. No Trump, you lead your own category now. Thank God for the Generals or soon he would want us bowing to him. Take everything you want greedy SOB. Soon, we will be a REAL REPUBLIC! Can’t believe I fell for it too.

1 day ago

Here it is the 1st of July 2024 @ 7:30p.m. And just like I said, The Supreme Court will NEVER hear the case of the stolen 2020 and 2022 elections…. Why??? Because most of them are involved….. The Military needs to do what is necessary…. But I have had nothing good to say about our Military…. I believe the Military is setting Trump up!!
AS USUAL KICK THE CAN DOWN THE ROAD, AND SCREW THE AMERICAN CITIZENS !!! All the millionaires, Billionaires, Have their underground Luxury Bunkers, and all have fake clones to take the punishment !! Trump is the only one being honest…. If he knows this is happening, and does nothing…. AMERICA IS GONE FOREVER, AND HE IS THE ONE THAT DID IT TO US ALL !!! GOD HELP US ALL !!!

Jeanne Soleille
Jeanne Soleille
1 day ago

At min 12 do we really need the picture of what appears to be Barack Obama in front of our US flag and lower left corner the current US President Trump so small? Is restored republic trying to send a message that implies less than love of this country??

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