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Stan Rosen
Stan Rosen
1 month ago

I was wondering why the video uses ‘middle dot’
in between every sentence. Isn’t that is what
a period is for? The end of a sentence is when we drop our voice that ends s sentence and begins a New one. Personally, I find it ridiculous and distracting.
Besides that, I am awe struck knowing that the end is near. It is beyond overwhelming. I ask God to help heal us , to help purify our hearts and souls. To let the Light brightly shine to blanket our Mother Earth with the Love, Harmony,Joy and Abundance we have long prayed and waited for.
Thank you all for your dedication and bravery for without you this reality called The Golden Age would be but a dream. Bless you and your families for all your sacrifices.

Judy Faiman
Judy Faiman
1 month ago

Hi Judy,
I have been listening to you since they stole the election. My husband is in a wheel chair for 3 years. He needs a knew knee. Can u connect me with the Med Bed people? We are desparate. The doctor is talking about possible amputation. Please help us if you can.

Thank you and thank you for all you do for humanity!
Chava Faiman

1 month ago

Thank you Restored Republic.

Bill looney
Bill looney
1 month ago

I truly believe that the deep state panicked and I’m glad they panicked when Trump became president. It panicked them, and when they were able to get Biden back in office, they had already lost control of their narrative and as they started to push harder and faster to get things done, people started waking up more and more crime and corruption. I used to get mad when things didn’t happen like they should but now I realize this is all in God’s timing and God will decide when it ends not us. This is a glorious time to be alive and to be on God side , I love Jesus Yeshua and I always will be a Christian but I believe the deep state panicked and started to try to get things done faster and faster and that’s what woke everyone up. They started seeing how corrupt in two tiered countries so what happened is the deep state hung themselves and this is a glorious time to watch them hang themselves. I wanna apologize to you for being rude in the past. I was out of line and disrespectful and I truly want to apologize. You have been nothing but a good friend. Everyone given us this information and helping us to understand what is going on and I truly appreciate you doing that giving us this information day after day knowing that people are going to criticize you because things aren’t happening the way they want it, but they have to realize Lord is in control but when this is finally over and I’ll be glorious, I just hope that more people will turn to the Lord before it’s too late. We know that we’re living in the last days and the prophets have said the 2025 is the beginning of the tribulation, I hope and pray that people turn to the Lord and trust him can’t wait until the 10 days of darkness happens. I know it’s been a long time we’ve been waiting and waiting, but it’s gonna be glorious, but remember people the Lord said we must pray for our enemies let us not forget that , we must pray for those that are evil, but they turn away from their evil ways and find the Lord so let us not forget what the Lord is taught us in the Bible to love our enemy and to pray for them and let us stop getting angry because things aren’t happening fast enough remember remember God gave the Earth 120 years to turn back from their evil ways to stop sin before he gave the flood but no one did and look what happened. They were given 120 years and they still didn’t listen. that’s how stubborn we are as humans and we need to quit acting like this anyways God bless you. Have a wonderful day and remember God is in control.

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