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1 month ago

Vance is the VP of the corporation.John F Kennedy Jr. Will be VP of a restored Republic.

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 month ago

Does this mean the person killed, and 2 injured, were really not?

Kathy Nichols
Kathy Nichols
1 month ago

🦅🙏 🇺🇲 🙏🕊️

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 month ago

I believe Biden has been dead since 2021. He was executed at Gitmo for treason. He has been played by actors and maybe clone.

1 month ago

Something that is really starting to worry me about Our MAGA or PATRIOTS movement. Why have all the Banks being accepted into/onto The Quantum
System are all FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS???? I thought “The Plan” was
to Destroy ALL Central Federal Reserve Banks….. Now They are in BEFORE
America !!! Our new Currency will NEVER HAPPEN !!!

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
1 month ago

This is a testament to the incompetence in handling the Tokens or a realization of how many people were lied to and stolen from. Absolutely the worst 8 months during this whole covid encompassing period. I’m leaving Telegram. The constant lies….look back on this under the new Republic. Same crap everyday…to hell with Iraq, to hell with the pompous Trumps and their holier than thou attitude. Can’t get around to me because of the many you stole from and lied to, Texas will handle it in the new Republic. Goodbye Telegram….. because of the Trump infiltration, sick of them!

1 month ago

Great reporting, a daily must-listen for me. Where can we find the daily transcript? Thank you!

1 month ago

Maybe 10 days of blabber mouth darkness should be going on asap as in like “Right Now” . We don’t need no stinking quantum computer to tell us when theses pos ignorant normies need to wake the f up ⬆️ , people need to hear it now from there TV leader and shoved down there normie throats

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