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1 month ago

Ah… the future King (rather than President) Trump!?! Does that mean antichrist? Think I’ll move back to my home on the planet Pluto because I do not want to be on earth during the tribulation.

1 month ago

AS susspected the haves will get theirs first and the public who has been suppresed and manipulated for decades if not centuries get the scraps. So the old guards are being taken out and new gurds being placed and the people have no real say in the process. Just old secret or hidden organization like freemason/skull and bones switcheed put for another secret organization pulling the strings. I still say that the devil will sacrafice all it’s minions to capture the righteous. If the people don’t control the goverments then the governments will control the the people. Strict Laws need to be placed upon people who seek positions of power for abusing those positions

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 month ago

I do not believe the attempted assassination was a false flag event. I believe Biden called for his assassination when he stated Trump needs to be put on the bullseye. This was his signal to execute his request. Just my opinion, since all the details are not out, and half of the details out there are questionable.

1 month ago

How come you lied about JFJ Jr being vice president? Judy? I want to know!

Bill looney
Bill looney
1 month ago

Remember folks, this is a movie you’re watching know I used to get upset when things didn’t happen and I used to rant and rave until God showed me that this is a movie you need to just grab your popcorn sit back and watch how the events unfold we have to remember God is in control us and you also have to remember that the militaries in control not us therefore we must learn to just sit back watch the movie and the ending will be marvelous so just sit back relax and enjoy the show. The ending will be happening soon. Enjoy your popcorn.

Lorinda Madore
1 month ago

Thank you for clearing that up about JD Vance. I would have never figured that out.
I guess the white hats have had enough of Biden and once and for all got rid of him. well, maybe.Concerning ET, I believe that like all planets the Earth is hollow in such a big way that it has it’s own sun.They have allowed a few visitors and told them that they hold our treasures and will give them to us at some time. This in my mind is what’s coming.They would be called the tall whites and they believe in Jesus but by a little different name. I think they are the lost tribes of Israel that Father hid away.They have no evil. i envy them.

Kathy Nichols
Kathy Nichols
1 month ago

πŸ¦…πŸ™ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² πŸ™πŸ¦… πŸ’«

Joanna Fuchs
1 month ago

So frustrating. I have been hearing these kinds of predictions, with dates, ever since Biden was “inaugurated.” Over and over and over. The predictions are just words; there is never any evidence that these things are happening. NESARA payments are going out? Heard for years. No evidence. Military is in charge, roaming the U.S? Over and over. No evidence. I WISH it were true! But if you are just making these things up, you will have a lot of angry readers/subscribers come January 2025. Why are you doing this???

1 month ago

Trump’s Role as Future King???

Michael American
Michael American
1 month ago

You can mix all the bologna you want in. It’s still bullshit.
You’ve been trying for years.

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