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Kathy Nichols
Kathy Nichols
1 month ago

🦅🙏 🇺🇲 🙏🦅

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 month ago

There is no way this kid made those explosives. They were probably made by the FBI, the second worst of cabal agencies. I am sure this can be proven. This kid must have gone through a mind-control process. He was just sacrificed.

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 month ago

There is no way this kid made those explosives. They were probably made by the FBI, the second worst of cabal agencies. I am sure this can be proven. This kid must have gone through a mind-control process. He was just sacrificed..

Biden was executed for treason, along with Obama in 2021 after military tribunal.
So they plan on assassinating an actor or clone. These people are just insane

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
1 month ago

People know more about the Cromars than they do about their spouse, such a continual distraction.
Being governed by two governments in which neither has a clue. More like a mutual shake of hands to terrorize those who know as the sheepeople on both sides remain fools of the fact that they are being played by both sides. Being lied to and stolen from and soon sacrificed in a mutually agreed mini civil war. Who’s being complicit; who’s being complacent in the great human die off – a die off that has no allegiance only a lust for control.
Aspects of this operation will need to be reviewed by the New Republic. One side claiming to be honest and righteous with its constant reference to its leaders being demigods who dangle riches in the faces of the poor only to deny them… and to award someone else an enormous prize.
The failure of NESARA to materialize…..and revolving innocent peoples’ lives around , yet another, fake election.
Enjoy the movie they say. There is something wrong when people should enjoy watching our brothers and sisters die for a selfish political reason….a reason that, here in America, should have been stamped out…yet, we are only the ones who made America. Some people in highly guarded positions have given up so much. How many American households are father, mother, brother, sisterless with nuclear families desimated by our so called leaders. The underground war is the real war….top side, the usual egotistical manipulation of societies by one select group or another to rule the world.
Let them sit in their luxury, Family well protected. There is no mystery Babylon, just Babylon. Next will come camps for people who don’t agree with them……watch.
When you finish with one, there has to be another and another until, knowingly, you have accomplished parts of both sides agendas. Enough is never enough with Greed and Ego.
Everyone bow…………

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
1 month ago

I wondered when Restored Republic would censor free speech. It was only a matter of time.

Jack Throckmorton
Jack L Throckmorton II
1 month ago

Praying that the EBS be implemented sooner!
Save my family home!

1 month ago

I will no longer be following anything related to currency change,Nesara Gesara, The Patriots Movement, Stolen Elections, None of the things that are being reported to be happening, ARE NOT REAL !!! For over 6 years now WE have gotten nothing but Kicking the can down the road!! Lying and deceiving The American Citizens…. All while our country is being invaded, and Children are STILL DISAPPEARING!! MAUI While we watched !!! Clones and actors faking everything for BOTH SIDES !!!!

1 month ago


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