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Kathy Nichols
Kathy Nichols
2 days ago

πŸ¦…πŸ™ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² πŸ™πŸ¦…

2 days ago

Hi Judy! God bless you for trying to be supportive and positive during this fiasco. Some of what you say makes no sense – the severe danger Americans have been put in just to prove a point. (I personally don’t think the American People are going to think this is ok, and I’m not sure how they will react to knowing certain people assumed dead are still waiting to be free, and knowing the longer we wait, the greater harm it puts all Americans in.) But then again, I don’t know all the specifics the military is dealing with and when they will give a “flip the switch” signal. As more and more information is leaking out, we certainly should expect a quick closure, but we’re still in danger every day the ‘revelation’ is put off. Thank you for sharing.

: Paul-Asahel: Coover.
: Paul-Asahel: Coover.
2 days ago

CEMEX is about blood. They patented a process of using old blood in the cement. It makes ir lighter and stronger. can you also get prion diseases from working there?.
News reports point to this.
Like Mad Cow Disease or Cronic wasting disease. This is some serious stuff. Where do they get the blood? Is that safe? Hell No.Is that Sick Sick Sick? You bet.
PS the Red Cross is dirty.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
2 days ago

Telegram has turned into a Flea Market, and an assortment of Scams and Liars. It’s to the point of ridiculous……..sign in here and our bonehead admin will check you out. Top Secret SCI Clearance… don’t know me. I hope that assange has put as much effort in investigating his beloved satanic England and Vatican….
The Republic…the government HAS to fear the people or they will go right back to controlling, lieing and stealing.
Here’s another novel idea, well it’s actually not so novel. But, let’s push everything back two more months to satisfy some Trump delusion of grandeur moment. A Real Republic, we will find out…..not only do the truthers watch the bad guys, we also watch the supposed good – lieing and stealing are not the personal qualities we expect and will not tolerate from individuals who represent us. Truth Social is a Dump..for ass kissers only or you are censored or banned… Telegram, since Trump’s increased presence has shot it to hell also. Be sure to get your cotton candy before entering. This involves everybody just not the “Popular Folk” like they want to think and act. It’s a feeding frenzy to the popularity pinnacle of Telegram. How many times have you seen the same sayings and cliches, man, ridiculous.
Freedom is the only way – true Freedom. Not just a certain persons’ vision of what Freedom should be for the people because we will lose our. The New Government needs to fear the People. Yes even you the pathetic slabs of limp meat who go along with everything that is said pull your heads out.
The New Republic will stand for the people by the people and this should be self evident right off.

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