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Lorinda Madore
1 month ago

Do you realize you said Elon Musk has been eliminated???

Ted Freeman
1 month ago

It was in the 1960s when I wrote a school paper on the new world order. I did not nor was there a lot of information about them. This was in the days you had to spend hours doing research at the library. After the paper in the professors even laughed me out of the room and about all of them read it. I wish they were alive today so I could rub it in there face.

In December of 2019 that covid was a fake. I made it very clear the math. did not work on the infection rate. Again all you A holes laughed at me now everyone is trying to take the credit for my information most people in this country are such low lifes. There not capable of independence thought but can only steal the information from others.

Jack Throckmorton
Jack L Throckmorton
1 month ago

Again, praying that the EBS is announced immediately! Or all is lost! Praying! May God Almighty bless Pres. Trump!

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