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Kathy Nichols
Kathy Nichols
2 months ago

🦅🙏 🇺🇲 🙏🦅
🕊️🙏 ✝️ 🙏🕊️

2 months ago

The good guys own BlackRock now which owns Crowdstrike; so the good guys are in charge of fixing the problems with Crowdstrike, RIGHT/

Lorinda Madore
2 months ago

President Nelson. D&c is Doctrine and Covenants.If you’re looking for it.

Ted Freeman
2 months ago

Under military Marshall law, the courts Judges and lawyers or government offices ,police that includes congress have no authority it all falls on the military. I see no changes in what you are lieing about.

Ted Freeman
2 months ago

Harp is up by Yellowstone Park. They can work on the two most dangerous plates in the world. I greatly fear they may cause and eruption of Yellowstone. If it did erupt it would devastate 2/3rd of the U.S. and effect the world in a hole.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
2 months ago

I want to “Thank” Restored Republic.
I want to Thank them because they didn’t CENSOR a post that I thought, for sure, they were going to.
Although other platforms DO censor when they say they don’t, Hurray for RR, for towing the line. We are misled by so many whom preach their platforms are free…well, look at Truth Social. They censored me no less than 5 of my posts. If you count censored posts about the lieing and stealing concerning the Trump Magical Golden Tokens, the censored posts goes up. $10,241,000.00 he still owes, I’ll just let Texas handle it after the new Republic gets in place
The word got out about that and I got innindated by people who had received the same treatment. When asked why they didn’t inquire what the deal was? They said they were afraid to ask. Afraid to ask about someone who stole, in my case $6,000.00 and has denied everything. Through those inquiries, he set up a new way to cash out. AMF took the place of TRB, then fired TRB, then rehired TRB and now AMF. And, of course the same M.O., you have to buy yet another product before they will give you a date. I’ve had two pay out dates – this is from Trump himself again. Anyway, moving on to Telegram… it’s like going to a flea market…Trump and others are selling this and that repeatedly. And other channels just repeat the same RaRa lines or the fashion show ones. I realize, it’s war, but you are creating something, here again; that we are trying to rid the world and it’s like “get em while they’re hot”. So, I have left Telegram and feel much better. I do miss their history type channels – they’re GREAT! Ok, Tony…..but they are. So, my Friends, once again “Thanks To and For Restored Republic. They’ve been at it longer, Judy Byington on YouTube and a few others is what fueled my already insatiable appetite for the truth…16 1/2 years in the Air Force with a Top Secret/SCI Clearance and loved every minute. 2nd Hand Sarin Gas Poisoning after volunteering for Desert Storm. I worked with ALL the fatalities at Dover, AFB and was proud to have helped. Don’t get me talking about the senseless loss of life. Which brings me back to….”some have sacrificed so much”… these were kids. Ok. My Friends, enough. I love you all….and the Universe SMILES.

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
2 months ago

A White Hat military takeover across the globe is a good idea, as the people are forced to watch the 8 hours of movies for 10 days. This will create the finalized awakening of humanity.

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
2 months ago

A White Hat military takeover across the globe is a good idea, as the people are forced to watch the 8 hours of movies for 10 days. This will create the final awakening of humanity.

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
2 months ago

A White Hat military takeover across the globe is a good idea, as the people are forced to watch the 8 hours of movies for 10 days. This will create the final awakening.

2 months ago

White & dark yellow & blue your pussyfooting with truth hey F U . Oh , we’re afraid to tell everyone the truth , they may get their feelings hurt , don’t think so sky pilot : maybe you so called white hats are just part of the same bird 🦆 Drips and dribbles allowing the MSM to transmit every minute of every day & year . Well screw you , the military allowed this shit to go on & it would still be going on with no push back if it wasn’t for citizen journalists , are you so called white hats 🎩 running cover for the dark , sure seems that way , yeah support us just like the cancer industry , it’s too profitable to make any real changes just keep supporting us

: Paul-Asahel: Coover.
: Paul-Asahel: Coover.
2 months ago

As for the Laughing, you should look up the laughing disease….KURU
Cannibals get KURU in Borneo. You can’t eat people. It makes you sick with all the hormones in the meat. It also makes you psychotic. Are the Zombies/Karens nuts from eating Senomyx? Are you a cannibal? Senomyx is from the Kidneys of aborted babies. They have to cut them out of a baby that still has it’s heart beating or the Organs can’t be sold. So they cut the baby up alive to make #Senomyx to make the flavor profiles of your food. I ask AGAIN…..ARE YOU A CANNIBAL?
Hillery AND Kamala both laugh like they have KURU.

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