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Lorinda Madore
1 month ago

I stopped drinking colas many years ago too. So many I don’t even remember how many. I gave up the TV a week after 9/11/01 towers.I’m happier without both of these.

Dan Kermmoade
1 month ago

You have got to be kidding. SOS yet again (Same Old Shit!!). Keep dangling that carrot and moving the stick a little more, and a little more….this using the excuse that We The People are “in danger” when YOU insist we are watching a “movie”. I cry utter BULLSHIT and say to you, the world has yet to see REAL anger and groundswell of wrath when a few billion people (a hundred or so million here) realize they have been played!! We say to you, it is time, no, PAST time to get shit done. No more talk, no more BULLSHIT DELAYS. No more!! You KNOW what you need to do, if not, then do not, but PLEASE NO MORE of this repetitive horseshit. Either it happens, as in, NOW, IMMEDIATELY, or you need to shut the fuck up and go away. PERIOD!!

Gayle Marjaniemi
Gayle Marjaniemi
1 month ago

We are willing to Fight, with God all is Possible. President Trump, great Militaries, and a vast number of great Patriots will strive to Make America Great Again.

Will Larimer
Will Larimer
1 month ago

If cern isn’t destroyed, and you get all of the satanics in jail, satanics will come through the dimensional portal, and they will multiply exponentially.

Martin Anger
Martin Anger
1 month ago

Wegmans (Amherst, NY) Carrot Cake & many other foods contain a “bio-engineered food ingredient”, so it’s not just Aldi’s.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
1 month ago

Well here in Texas we are 37 minutes into Sunday morning the 28th of July 2024. Thursday August begins. Any significance in that realization?
The realization is YES we have been lied to yet once again..the build up.. Christmas in July…my sources say whales are getting paid….man, to hell with that. Our government or whatever it is portraying it’s self to be truthful is certainly using as much of Obamas’ Propaganda Law as they can until they can’t or shouldn’t…we will need to watch that…. can’t abide by laws written by the cabal because it’s handy when that government doesn’t exist. Slam the American Citizens in between your and their lies and let the people suffer. Positive and negative propaganda and out right deception.
Trumps’ Token Policy was probably a dry run. Let’s hear more about flipping Iraq and their damn gazette, let’s hear more about Reno and Zurich with their thumbs up their asses and to hell with anything German….they deserve a severe punishment from their actions and then to find out Germany was planning themselves a WW3. That country needs to be divided so the only remnant left is Berlin….Italy also the two who started WW2 and end up in the middle of election interference….make Leichenstein a much larger country. So, everyone is getting paid just to bad it’s big lie. They will go into August….and on and on the same way we’ve always been told. And Trump supposedly grooming little Donny for the presidency. And supposedly preparing Baron to follow little Donny…..the Republic won’t stand for a monarchy. Ego and Greed……it eats Trump up…finish your job and leave. Take your family and your lives together…. Don’t plan for that, it will never work. Anyway, good morning to all who listen to my words. May the Lord guide and keep you safe….from idiocy running wild. And the Universe SMILES.

1 month ago

So, if the Fed gets taken out soon, Does that mean the IRS goes with it?

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