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Paula Fulaytar
Paula Fulaytar
4 months ago

We haven’t heard anything about Social Security increase in a while….are they not able to do that anymore? We would like to donate, but that is impossible right now….

4 months ago

Good morning, Judy! You may want to revise your opening comments on today’s post. Today is Tuesday, June 11. None of what you said would happen June 10 happened. Just a thought. Thanks for your reporting.

4 months ago

Your post of 11 June stated Trump’s return 10 June.
Any confirmation of that [yet]?

Bonnie P
Bonnie P
4 months ago

Would love to send a check..!

4 months ago

Clearly I remember listening to Bill Gates during a news cast around the
beginning of covid when he said, The covid vaccine is not a vaccine, it’s
a depopulation drug that killed all of the test animals. And then… in my
knowing this, I watched millions of you fools put this DEATH drug in your
bodies and then drop DEAD! The Bible is TRUE… you are SHEEP!

4 months ago

Thursday, 10th of June at 6:02 ???? So many errors in your posts especially with dates. Shouldn’t someone be editing before posting?

Ken Kirkland
Ken Kirkland
4 months ago

Why will there need to be another election this year? The pedoMarxist stole the last 3.5 years, so If President Trump is re-instated as then Real President until new elections shouldn’t He get 4 years automatically since He won in 2020? Hades Yeah!

Lisa Lopez
Lisa Lopez
4 months ago

When will the public go? For appointments

4 months ago

This all sounds good. But, like all the last times, of we are close, nothing can stop what’s coming, and all the other talk. June thru December will pass. Nothing will happen. We will have an election in November and most likely will be electing another democratic.

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