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Margurite Martin
Margurite Martin
3 months ago

These videos give use hope and educate use as to whet is going on globally. When I wake up in the morning I open my I pad and listen to the new update. I hope that you are monitoring canada closely, I have had some cops and fire department trying to block my important e mails and some times pretending to be some one else.
I divorced out of a mafia family, they tried to kill me and are now microwaving me, I need to make sure I get the phone number for the redemption Center as I have a very important humanitarian project for the veterans in Canada and us.
I am a senior and will not take a wage.

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
3 months ago

Yes, Brennan was a major cabal member. He was scheduled for execution at Gitmo a couple of years ago, but the coward put poison on his glasses and killed himself quickly instead of facing execution.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
3 months ago

Well first let me say, and get it over with; I filed my complaint against the criminal handling of the Trump Golden Tokens with the Texas State Attorneys’ General Office in Austin, Texas. I made my official complaint which covered only one purchase. There were many purchases. I did not send anything to Trump’s lawyers. Why? That’s idiotic. I have 10,241,000 reasons to not send it there…..think for yourself don’t let them do the thinking for you…we have been fighting that.
Ok, now the other Truth! We are at War….War against satan. Please read Ephesians!!! Trump says there are traitors everywhere….. there are misinformed people everywhere…..been listening to too many Maga Rallies and all the RaRa and being allowed to STILL listen to the mainstream media. They are so mixed up, they don’t know what to think…if we have a civil war, it will be self inflicted. More innocent people will parish and then yes, the traitors will still be around. Is a person who doesn’t follow MAGA a traitor? Of course not. But politically they want you to think that – there’s the Division by MAGA. Is a person who still listens to the MSM a traitor? Of course not, most don’t know it’s run and controlled by satanic orders and they refuse to listen to the other side because you have to portray a part – a part to be FREE, YOU DON’T have to play. Just be yourself and open your mind and see the Light, see the Love our God has for us all and realize the way we have been living has not been by his design. Greedy Satanic humans have enslaved us and we have let them because we trusted them as our representatives. And, in their deception the more deviate they became…… it’s all around us my friends. They will lie, cheat, steal, rape and abuse your children, drink your children’s blood and either eat them or have them ground into meat that most eat everyday unknowingly. It’s everywhere….. Don’t choose a side. There are no more sides…take the Hand of Jesus and be the Side…..let us ALL walk and live together in peace and love. Love is the ANSWER….call on Jesus when in doubt. Invoke his name when threatened by this world or the satanic world…..protect your family through the Blood of Jesus..remove the demons from your personal life and ask for help and forgiveness and forgive also and be Grateful for a Loving Living God.
No Amens….that pays homage to an Egyptian who told his people to worship and invoke his name when finished. I Love You my Brothers and Sisters….. love and guard your family because EVIL grabs anything and everything it can possess.

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
3 months ago

My heart is torn in pieces. Several months ago, I started posting in Truth Social, in great detail, about the horrible trafficking of teens between the ages of 13 to 17 on Hobbs Road in Greensboro. These teens come through the southern border and are trafficked into Houston, TX then to Greensboro. I posted about the NGOs who are all connected to Beijing, China. NOW TRUTH SOCIAL IS DELETING ALL MY POSTS AS I WRITE THEM! People who work at this location live in my complex and other complexes in my very nice neighborhood. The person who processes the children confided in me the kids only stay for a couple of weeks. They house 800 children at a time! HOW CAN IT BE MY POSTS ARE DELETED ON TRUTH SOCIAL! HOW CAN NO ONE WANT TO HELP THESE KIDS???!!!

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
3 months ago

My heart is torn in pieces. Several months ago, I started posting in Truth Social, in great detail, about the horrible trafficking of teens between the ages of 13 to 17 on Hobbs Road in Greensboro, NC. These teens come through the southern border and are trafficked into Houston, TX then to Greensboro. I posted about the NGOs who are all connected to Beijing, China. NOW TRUTH SOCIAL IS DELETING ALL MY POSTS AS I WRITE THEM! People who work at this location live in my complex and other complexes in my very nice neighborhood. The person who processes the children confided in me the kids only stay for a couple of weeks. They house 800 children at a time! HOW CAN IT BE MY POSTS ARE DELETED ON TRUTH SOCIAL! HOW CAN NO ONE WANT TO HELP THESE KIDS???!!!

Tina Campbell
3 months ago

Did you see the video on Freeport Society with Louis Navelliee, very upset on this. Please let Pres Trump know about this, Gavin Newsome becoming Pres in 2024

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