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Boyd B.
Boyd B.
2 days ago

The Biden administration had to start a war with Russia. They have been poking the bear
For a long time. Now us normies have to pay. Our minute men missiles are not that good, they are pretty old if you think about it.
And now he will get up in front of a camera, and lie to the American people like he always does. I’m praying for the American people cause they opened a can of worms. Lord help us.

Lorinda Madore
2 days ago

I didn’t vote for Ovomit nor did I fall “vote for him to prove you’re not racist” tactic.

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
2 days ago

why cant you leave the payout for dinar and bonds for nick flemming im sure theres important info we all could use besides the greed news!!!!????

Will Larimer
Will Larimer
2 days ago

Biden shouldn’t need to be impeached after the supremes admit they know and have proof that the 2020 was stolen and they ALL have to go.

Lorinda Madore
2 days ago

How did we get military bases on the Moon if we’ve never been there? And I remember NASA paying $500 for each toilet they bought. That was way back when I worked on the Space Program.

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