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Will Larimer
Will Larimer
23 days ago

it was said that in exactly two months, then stated sept. 1st. Two months will be August first. sept. first is four months. Just wondering which. I’m economically messed badly. It really matters to me.

Bonnie Juris
Bonnie Juris
23 days ago

FALSE information. Stablization and Recovery Act is Deep State fake, it is called National Economic Security and Reformation Act.
Are you representing the Deep State?
If you continue to broadcast this, I will cease to share your info with my large group.
Tell me which side you are on, and I will set appropriately.

s alan
s alan
23 days ago

“Planet Earth and Humanity are experiencing the great shift of Consciousness, also known as Ascension or the Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness”.

Does this mean having happiness ,money, growing your own food and enjoying your job to give meaning and purpose will be the common denominator for this tremendous stride toward Awakening??

Jesus body died on the cross and then resurrected to show that the body was not important…that’s Awakening!

23 days ago

Home again today from another two months in the BIG pharma hospital. They have taken away my job, my legs, my health, my money, two years of my life AND they want to force me to pay for their malpractice based GREED. I’m writing again and I’m going to make them SCREAM their faces OFF : )

23 days ago
Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
23 days ago

Well, just deleted Telegram. It’s another captured venue. NO posting of anything about the crooked dealings with the Trump Tokens. Guess I’ll need to advertise for a civil/criminal attorney who is familiar with the situation. I’m sure there are some. I can’t believe, with him, his son fon and Tucker, who all have knowledge and made important announcements about the Golden Tokens are playing completely ignorant of the facts. I guess that’s a lot of years of being a crook. It involves not only TRB but BOFT,Trump’s German bank partners, Copecart and Bank of America which was making the payouts. Trump even said on Telegram that TRB was his official source to utilize in paying out. They gave me two different pay out dates and nothing happened. They owe me $10,241,000.00, they said it not me and with a signed document saying so.. So all this went on openly on Telegram right up under Trump’s nose and he never stopped it until people starting asking for their payouts. And with his flying monkeys checking everything…. there is no way this could have been overlooked for so long and not been noticed……to hell with them, we will just deny or lie about it…….and they have. Makes a very LARGE statement. I’ll put a full page article out in the Dallas Morning News and other large cities…..he’ll pay for it… ZZ Top said “I’m nation wide”.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
23 days ago

I’ve been with Judy Byington from the beginning of the Trump era. Wonderful reporting. I Re- posted some of her reporting everyday, all around. The connections we created, all underground and some right in your face…..and to now with all that work and everything else negative that came with it, Trump has made the Truthers look like fools..a fine thanks, with a slap in the face. I get involved it because I know, I invested and now I’m a liar. You are the liar Trump and your band of crooks. Thanks for nothing…… disgusting!

19 days ago

Yes, dear.

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