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2 months ago

What makes a good movie

Jane Glenn
Jane Glenn
2 months ago

On March 8th I made a $100 donation plus $15 via GiveSendGo which some how disputed but the money ($129.23) was changed to BABUBABYCLOTHINGHUBAND, a company that I have never hear of and I disputed this and it was removed. I will not donate to GiveSentCo any more. I do not use PayPal. I am sorry that I could not get my donation to you.

Lisa lopez
Lisa lopez
2 months ago

When will the public get theirs?

Will Larimer
Will Larimer
2 months ago
Reply to  Lisa lopez

I believe (or maybe think) that we have to wait for NESARA to be declared here in the U.S. Unless you are asking about level 5 folks tradinhg zim or Dinar at a bank. My guess would likely be worthless as far as tier 5 goes.

Lorinda Madore
2 months ago

The man who convinced President Trump that the vax’s were safe and effective was hung. It was a joint effort. We in comments at RRN spoke out saying the President was killing people. It only takes 5 minutes online to see that. I personally said “I still love President Trump and I don’t think he knows he is killing people. HE NEEDS TO STOP PROMOTING THE JABS” Then, the military told the President he was loosing his base because of his promotion of the jabs” Trump was furious with that man and he went straight to GITMO.

2 months ago

Sorry, my website is gone. Nothing but trouble since they added AI. Added a link to your site today and IT chose to put it in a different spot. IT would not let me move it. Finally called. He talk for about a minute and said he’d be right back. 15 minutes later I hung up and began deleting the THING. The counter said about 800 or so visits a month maybe so but I doubt it.

Ana Miles
2 months ago

Threating our food supply sedition! They all should be tried for it!

Will Larimer
Will Larimer
2 months ago

Why would anyone want to have anything to do with the Swiss bankers. They are known Satanists and the same crowd as want to be the tyrants of the world? The Global elite according to them.

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