Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of May 1, 2023



Author : Judy Byington

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Don spinella
Don spinella
1 year ago

Very sick Jesus freaks. You need mental help. Please do a story on how many people your leader. , the poop has murdered. The Vatican is a criminal organization. Personal beliefs have no place in government.

1 year ago

You’ve been sending out this message for years people are tired of hearing it’ve become fake news do not sell my email or I will sue you . I’ll be able to tell

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 year ago

My obsessi on has always been the children who have been murdered by the Satanist Cabal, and those who have been sold into slavery. You are right; why does no one talk about this, not even Fox? Drives me insane and keeps me from trusting even conservatives. I do know one thing, President Trump and Melania have done incredible things to rescue children in the dumbs, including those under the White House and Congress. The dumbs are under every major city in America and the world. Adrenochrome is billions in the pockets of these satanists!

Edna King
1 year ago

Who will determine, and how will it be determined, if a person has a pure heart? And what is considered ‘pure’ ?

Sarkis Zeitounian
1 year ago

Thank you

1 year ago

America has not given up God. However, many Americans have become aware of the lies we’ve been told for our whole lives. People are wondering just what has been left untouched of the original Bible, and what is correct and true in modern versions like the KJB. Many churches pushed the Covid Hoax, even though the Injections were killing people in their own congregations, and I believe that has made for some serious disillusionment in churches. But I am amazed at how many people are still very outspoken about God being in control of the current seemingly dangerous situation.

Carl Benson
Carl Benson
1 year ago

Why are the American people prohibited from developing their own system of currency to exchange for goods and services. The California and Alaska gold miners did . Until the government decided to seize control of commerce and citizens independent trade relations.

1 year ago

It’s not David WILCOX; it’s David WILCOCK. I’ve followed him for many years. As to whether states would be prevented from minting their own coins by the US Constitution, he could be wrong about that. It could be that the Constitution is an agreement or contract between the States and the federal government, and that agreement or contract has been breached by the federal government, and now cannot be breached by another party (a state). The breach that affects all states is the printing of fiat currency.

Charlie Ward’s report that the dinar exchange notification will come only after the EBS is a new one for me. Until now, it seemed more like the GCR was tied to the EBS and Alliance activities, not the exchange of the IQD. Of course, much as a I like Charlie, he also said our accounts were already mirrored on the QFS, so we didn’t need to worry about losing money in failing banks. Months later, he told us to get our money out of banks because they were going to fail. When someone called him on this, he went back to “Of course your money is safely mirrored on the QFS.” So now I don’t know quite what to make of what he says.

1 year ago

Punishment for arriving more than ten minutes early for exchange appointments, screening for character, and having to ask for the best exchange rate have all been debunked by Mark Z, who has some pretty impressive contacts, including Mike Cottrell (“Code Man”). People are really stretching to come up with something new.

The question of whether interest will be paid on QFS accounts has been asked repeatedly and the answer has always been “no.”

Aren’t laptops for accessing the QFS and quantum cell phones being handed out at exchanges, along with the cards? We will be the only people who can use our cards to access our accounts, so that will keep those accounts safe.

“Make sure you don’t pay a bank fee for exchanging” sounds like we can make the redemption center personnel behave. Will they back off if we threaten to go elsewhere to exchange if they don’t back off the fee? Is that even a realistic threat, considering that there is a limited time to exchange, which the redemption center personnel will certainly know about?

1 year ago
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You trust Mark Z. Well luck won’t help you there, nor your fake gods. But carry on. We won’t see you on the other side.

And Mark Z is of the dark. Wakey wakey. Your hearing this from a whistle blower of the Rockefeller rothchild human trafficking satanic filthy family strain.

Carry on listening to no body’s you’ll ho far pft.

1 year ago

The Barbie & Ken case WAS headed to the SC. Isn’t it headed there any longer?

What, exactly, is going to happen to the 388 defendants in the Brunson case if they fail to respond? Nothing seems to happen to them for other misdeeds they’ve been caught at.

I probably despise the Covid Cult and its perpetrators as much as anyone can. But lockdowns cause brain infections in children? Then how do Eskimo children avoid it in the winter? It’s probably the INJECTIONS that cause brain infections, among many other problems. That makes much more sense, especially in light of information now coming out about the polio vaccine, the “Spanish” Flu, and the AIDS epidemic.

Remember how terribly the German people were punished for what the German government had done? We’d better hope that doesn’t happen to us now.

Isn’t it pathetic that so many Americans are so STUPID that they have to have a scare event perpetrated on them before the Alliance can finish the cleanup of the monsters? I find it extremely embarrassing. Just imagine, if so many weren’t so stupid the military could just announce what’s been going on, and what’s going to happen next, and what we have to do legally (under martial law). Done. No fake nuclear attack piled on top of the REAL invasion of America by foreign illegals, many of them very dark indeed.

1 year ago
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The covid lockdown were a COVERT OPERATION to watch the crime cartels operating. The only damage to children’s brains is from the bio weapon called vaccines and all screens. All children should not have to enter the FILTHY Brainwashing system of SCHOOL. But sadly most parents are so be brainwashed themselves they prefer strangers to raise their children. I wouldn’t send my child to a educational facility as they ARE ALL run by the dark. A child should be having their gifts and passions expanded. Learning to survive in this new era.
Covid means IDENTITY. It was a chance for humanity to choose life or GREED. GREED meaning I will get vaccinated so I can shop, eat out go to bars etc and do EVERYTHING SUPERFICIAL And NOONE WHO DID GET VACCINATED EVEN LOOKED INTO WHAT WAS BEING INJECTED INTO THEM. They just trusted those screens. Watch the stew Peters show sudden death. Find out the TRUTH about the vaccines. Just because as screen says its OK does NOT MEAN IT IS.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sara
1 year ago

People who sneak into countries with the intent of robbing those who work and pay taxes there are not IMMIGRANTS! It’s infuriating when people call them that! Do we have a new name for people who come into the country legally, who used to be called immigrants? The sneak thieves (and rapists and killers and child traffickers and drug dealers) are ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS. ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS. Is it just people living in border states who get that?

1 year ago

Author Robert Elegant wrote a book about the Asian rise in the monetary system. Rise of the dragon I think it was called. He states in that book that America have been so in debted to China since the 1950s, that the only way they could pay China was in MILITARY PROTECTION. Aka Taiwan.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sara
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