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Verland Erickson
3 months ago

Bond holders? I call B S! pull the plug !!! END IT!!. They who stall will enjoy the review.

John L Putnam
3 months ago

An easy search of the Brunson v Adams case shows it was declined by the Supreme Court on Feb. 21, 2023. How can this author keep predicting a decision is about to be announced any day in 2024 w no source for the claim. Predictions of this and other significant events on dates that have come and gone are multiple in these reports accompanied by the phrase, “Trust the Plan!. I’m beginning to think Ms. Byington suffers from the multiple personality disorder she claims to have treated.

s alan
s alan
3 months ago

Do not hear much about true Spirituality. Are we lost in the money and good looking bodies?
We have a very long way to go for the actual truth!

Interesting about all these cannibals eating flesh and drinking blood being arrested and hung.

Kind of reminds me of Sunday’s going to Catholic church and communion…eating and drinking the Body and Blood of Christ and given to us by lots of homo- priests. Monsignor Beck, a bone polisher.

Hopefully the military will burn down many of the ‘religious covens’.

Cheryl Stone
Cheryl Stone
3 months ago

I appreciate all you information, thankyou all for your hard work, may peace for the world come soon, Unconditional Love

chris ryant
chris ryant
3 months ago

No space, no satellites, starlink is the poison towers that are now ever few miles covering the earth. Large fiberoptic cables run the ocean floors between all land masses. Curve of the earth has and never will be proven. That the earth has zero curve is easy to prove and all the sheeple have is fake cgi nonsense. No way the 1/6 prisoners thing is real, this is all one huge pile of BS

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