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3 months ago

Yeah, I bought three bags of the trunk coins thinking that they would be worth money and now I’m stuck with all of these Trump coins that aren’t worth nothing and I’m gonna tell you right now Phil Kowski I think his name is is involved in this. He’s on telegram, his name is Phil Glowski I think but he’s a thief and a liar and he’s part of the problem. He works with the deep state to steal money. Check it out you’ll find out I’m right and yeah I’m gonna get a lawyer. I’m on disability so I can’t afford a great lawyer so I hope whoever sues these people I can get my share because I’ve lost almost $1000 and I only get 800 a month on disability so yeah I’m pissed. I can’t stand people that lie and talk about stuff that isn’t true.

Marta Magdalena LeFave/ Marta LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave/ Marta LeFave
3 months ago
Reply to  Bill

So very horrible! Trust NO ONE!

3 months ago

Yeah, his name is Phil godlewski he’s part of the thieving that’s going on with the trump coins. They even put an article up saying that stay away from this man. He’s a thief and he’s got bots scams on telegram I’m pretty sure he’s the one ripping everybody off with the deep state because I saw warning about him a year ago on telegram telling people he’s a thief now I don’t nothing about him out to see. I’d appreciate it and I wanna say I know I’ve been rough in the past on yet but I’ve come to realize you know what you’re talking about and you’re not talking bullshit and I appreciate that because I can’t stand that propaganda , it really irritates me but I’ve come to rely on this channel for information because now I know you’re talking the truth so I wanted to apologize for any disrespect I did in the past I owe you an apology and I’m here to apologize to you. I’m sorry and I hope you accept my apology and keep up the good work. And I pray every day for the brunch case to go through and I pray every day that Ken and Barb will win their case and prove to the world that we do not have to pay taxes. I knew that back in the 70s I was born in 1965 but I pray every day they can, and Barbie will win, and the truth will come out for everyone to see Bible tells us at the last Trump. All things hidden will be brought to light before they coming day of the Lord we know Trump is the trumpet and we do know the Lord is coming soon and that we are living in the last days, they say 2025 is the beginning of the tribulation but I truly believe that is happening right now so keep up the good work guy. I really appreciate what you’re doing and allowing us to know what is happening so we appreciate all that you are doing so good work , God bless you. Have a wonderful day.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
3 months ago

Tokens, they owe me $10,241,000.00. I have all documents. Someone who actually knows what is going on needs to come forward and say unless you are a bought friend. I would not contact his lawyer. Why talk to the lawyer if someone you will sue for much more money. Tomorrow I will give you contacts you should talk to first so it becomes established and the liars and thieves can’t cover it up. The Tokens were a cash out product presented by Trump and his thief son .The Tokens are not memorabilia.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
3 months ago

Truth Social will not give me an account because of my persistence for the truth about the Trump Tokens…..on Telegram (my story) are photos of documents concerning the Tokens I’m SonOfTex. Get on Truth Social and tell Trump to pay tokens.

Cheryl Stone
Cheryl Stone
3 months ago

I have brought Trump coins, I would appreciate it if I can get some imformation on what too do with them,im in Australia, thankyou

Marta Magdalena LeFave/ Marta LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave/ Marta LeFave
3 months ago

I am lost and confused. For speaking out against the child trafficking location in Greensboro, NC, I was banned by X after Elon Musk took over Twitter, I have been banned from Facebook, my extensive and detailed posts on Truth Social have all been removed, and all of my posts, not just concerning this, but all my posts, are being removed as I post on Truth Social. So who can I trust? NO ONE. GOD HELP US ALL!

3 months ago

could someone please let us know what the ten young girls of varying ages min 8:30 Restored Republic May 25 are supposed to suggest?

Verland Erickson
3 months ago

Mean while back at the ranch the SMELLIES are scratching Buttocks wondering who is playing GOD???. REALLLLLLLLY!!!!!!!.

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
3 months ago

The Trump Tokens are not memorabilia! We are all owed money that possess these and now Trump and Don are denying any knowledge. They’re on camera telling how much they were worth then and would be in the Future. 2 state contacts and 3 federal contacts with telephone numbers. How reliable the federal ones will be, your guess is as good as mine, it has to be done. We were lied to and robbed. Now, they want us to talk to their lawyers…..WHAT! That’s talking to the opposition. They did it, not us…. I will pass on the numbers later today..on the 27th.

Stephen hines
Stephen hines
3 months ago


Stephen hines
Stephen hines
3 months ago
Reply to  Stephen hines

Told this by TRB…..which was the official support for the Tokens…Trump said, now denying…

Stephen hines
Stephen hines
3 months ago

If you bought the Tokens, in your state contact: your State Attorneys’ General Office and the State Securities Board.
Federal contacts are: Office of Comptroller of Currency at 800-613-6743, Securities and Exchange Commission at 817-978-3821, Commodity Futures Trading Commission at 202-418-5000. You MUST do this while you can. Truth Social Censors your comments about this. I left because of it and tried to go back to keep the pressure on but they wouldn’t allow me back.. Truth is owned by Trump.

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