Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 6, 2023



Author : Judy Byington

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Kenneth Lee Hudson
Kenneth Lee Hudson
1 year ago

Tired of dates being moved for girls, makes me wonder about your credibility

Robert Paton
Robert Paton
1 year ago

We were told three plus years ago to never listen to the dates. Don’t listen to the dates. In war, you do not tell the enemy when. But I believe this war is closing up in the next couple of years.

1 year ago

I understand the difficulty In this Great Battle but why have the HAARP Devices not heed Destroyed yet? 😒

Robert Paton
Robert Paton
1 year ago
Reply to  Theresa

In war you use the enemy’s weapons when needed. The answer is the needed rain to flood the underground tunnels.

1 year ago

Don’t they have enough proof to kik Biden out ,arrest him, how much more do they need, and all the crazies that work with him, I know that the whole beast system has to crash and burn .this is all a movie,it’s all happend already, we are just now hearing about it us,it just happened. It’s all so strange.

Robert Paton
Robert Paton
1 year ago
Reply to  Donna

If you shine a light into the darkness the cockroaches run and hide. Best to let them believe it is still dark.

1 year ago

Proof that Biden was not legally elected is old news. What would be fresh news (for the newbies) is that Biden was tried and executed about three years ago. The Alliance is not helping the situation with all the secrecy.

If Texas is to be the base of the new Republic, they Alliance had better get off dead center and get it done. TEXIT is being very seriously considered as the only way to stop the HORDES of ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS at our border.

Hawaii, don’t come crying to the US Republic when the Chinese or Japanese decide to “annex” you. Just think, you could have your very own Annual Dog Meat Festival, like the one in China.

Do we really want Mexico, a country that sided with Japan during WWII, and was willing to help Japan invade the US as part of the Republic? Only the Second Amendment stopped them. And we’ve been supporting Mexican invaders ever since then. They have shown repeatedly that they can’t be trusted.

Canada and Australia have been stalwart friends (until the Covid Hoax started).

The Smithsonian hasn’t been exactly trustworthy. Why would they be telling us about the new Republic after decades of obfuscation of giants in America? Maybe they were forced to hang state flags at half-staff. (Half mast is for ships; half staff is for land.)

Sarkis Zeitounian
1 year ago

God bless

1 year ago

What do you mean by “Remember the ships Mercy and Hope … in 2020” Are you saying they were being used to traffic children?

Has anyone checked into whether RNA survives the heat required to cook meat or vegetables? I’ve never heard that DNA survives cooking temperatures. Maybe the solution is to eat nothing that isn’t well done, at least for now.

It doesn’t sound like the Alliance is making a lot of progress, considering the never-ending massive attacks on the world’s people, does it? By the way, folks, hundreds of thousands of the chickens were not just “destroyed” – they were burned alive by people with flame throwers. Yes, the evil elites have people who enjoy doing that kind of thing to living creatures.

What would keep water from freezing besides anti-freeze and alcohol? And why hasn’t testing determined what is in the Dasani water?

1 year ago

Maybe the new skin diseases among the fully jabbed are part of the reason for the continuing existence of mask addicts.

The Chinese are giving THEIR boys testosterone injections. So soon, we will have a country full of effeminate boys and men, and the Chinese will be coming across our borders by the tens of millions. I wonder how that will work out for us?

Why would a doctor with half a brain take an injection being called a vaccine, when it is obviously not a vaccine?

If Biden/stand-in/Democrats have been taking bribes from foreigners for policy decisions, I wonder if the Mexican government has been paying them to offload tens of millions of their least desirable people on us?

1 year ago

Won’t it be interesting to see how the companies using trafficked children as workers shake out with regard to political leanings? I know which way I think they will lean.

Linda C
Linda C
1 year ago

Where are the links to the video above? Says they’re below the video, but I do not see them.

Robert Paton
Robert Paton
1 year ago

Honors to all who have saved these children and others. Thankyou!

1 year ago

John 3:16 🦁🇺🇸 There are no coincidences and everything is in God’s timing.

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