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: Paul-Asahel: Coover.

Here you go.

1 year ago

US Corporation declared bankruptcy in 2021, but is just now teetering on the edge of insolvency?

How can we have another plandemic when the plandemic planners are supposedly being arrested and executed?

This EBS has been planned for how many of the 20+ years of this global operation? But it is just now being tested?

Another new name for another old flu: Disease X. Sounds like they are going to use it to kill off a bunch of innocent animals – probably those that help humans and the planet, such as the flying-foxes that pollinate 80% of the plants where they live. These people are so evil that we don’t HAVE an English word bad enough for them.

1 year ago

Leftists will simply deny anything unflattering about Obama. Many of them will believe it’s all a lie to hurt their poor, beloved Obama.

1 year ago

Are David Wilcox and David Wilcock two different people?

How is it that the IRS is still causing problems, when we’ve been told for probably a year that it has been dissolved, and its employees will be working for the new Treasury?

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