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Belinda Blease
Belinda Blease
1 year ago

Can you put the link to the website to donate to the people in Lahaina.

susan a keir
susan a keir
1 year ago

so, when do we ever talk about all the white countries that have been overrun by third world invaders so-called legal and illegal. The white inhabitants of all these countries never wanted or voted for any of this immigration invasion. How many Americans die every day due to immigration of all kinds. How many fires and so-called natural disasters have been perpetrated against REAL Americans. Tired of the anti-white crap.

1 year ago

AIN, AIN SOPH & AIN SOPH AIN are Kabbalah names or references for the 3 Sephirah/ot beyond the Veil/Daath according to the Cosmology behind The Golden Dawn in the books attributed to one Dion Fortune.
Knights Malta ring warning bells in my head, also!!!

Karen Mc Monicle
Karen Mc Monicle
1 year ago

You are my go- to truther. Love your info. I wish I could contribute but am retired with 5 young children that I fostered & then my husband & I adopted. Love Mary too and Commander Thor.

1 year ago

video not showing

1 year ago

This report says the deep state will do an ebs test on 10/04/2023. Previous reports said that the white hates are in full control of the ebs, which is it?

1 year ago

Nope. nothing being reported has happened. Also Walmart’s Automatic Cashiers still say U.S.D. Dollars. not one word about any new currency…. We are being told false information…. Beware !!!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  pete

Maybe the change has been made at some Walmarts, but not all of them. I’m going to check mine out next time I’m there.

Cynthia Smith
Cynthia Smith
1 year ago

Crimes Against Humanity! The citizen(not the elites and government criminals) of the US are grieving for the loss of the people of Hawaii. Now, our nation has been inudated with other countries criminals aliens from over 160 nation with the displaced victims from the toppling of other governments by force and death to get control of their coffers. Write bill and laws to their advantage by plundering taxpayers hard earn money. It’s an outrage! The criminals must face Military Tribunal for their crimes. They deserve nothing less.

1 year ago

If Walmarts are White Hat operations now, perhaps they can remove the slaughter house-like zigzag paths to the cashier area.

A White Hat destroyer shot down a Boeing 767 carrying 180 FEMA criminals? And no one else is reporting that? (Not referring to MSM.)

Two Chinese satellites correspond to three fires at Lahaina, so that was an act of war by China. Then it appears that American forces (police, National Guard and FEMA) trapped people in the fire zone deliberately to burn them alive. Did Biden and the Democrats sell the US to China some time ago, so that now our law enforcement, etc., is taking orders from China? Is Chinese ownership of America why BLM and Antifa were allowed to burn down cities, with no repercussions? Could it explain destruction of other cities such as San Francisco? Could it explain the open border allowing invasion by foreigners including Chinese?

If that is what has happened, a bunch of Democrats should be hanged, or worse. After due process through military tribunals, of course.

1 year ago

A simple search will show that RNA will not survive stomach acid. Someone needs to tell the fear mongers shouting that mRNA is being put in our food. The truth is probably that they are putting something much WORSE in our food. Maybe sodium azide. I suspect I was poisoned with that when a hospital forced me to take a PCR test before they would treat me for an ongoing heart attack. The cotton swab was tainted with something that burned like fire. I recovered from the heart attack amazingly well – all of the hospital staff was commenting on that, but a few days after I got home I was so weak I could hardly get out of bed. Food tasted odd and I lost about a quarter of my body weight in a few weeks (and I wasn’t obese to begin with). I’ll be chatting with the Nuremberg Court 2.0 if it ever gets off the ground.

1 year ago

Unfortunately penalties assessed against government entities are generally paid by those government entities’ taxpayers.

If the September 12th expiration date of one of Trump’s EOs is a deadline for the EBS, then we should be seeing it today or tomorrow. No sign of it so far today, at midday.

1 year ago

Let me help monetize you and your subscribers at:

Bill Looney
Bill Looney
1 year ago

So are you saying that it’s going to be another full year of all of this Mayham before it finally comes to an end because you said the executive order was extended for one year then you say on the 12th that it ends which is it

Ted Freeman
1 year ago

If you look at the agreement between the U.S. and Hawaii that you had to be married to a direct blood l Hawaiian. And if you are not you can not buy or hold any land in Hawaii. Just go back and look at the agreement before Hawaii became a state. And there were not enough votes to have Hawaii to become a state

Bill Looney
Bill Looney
1 year ago

I went over it again and listen and you said the executive order was extended on the seventh for a year that means if it’s extended for a year that means there’s another full year of all this BS everyone’s got to go through guy please explain is there another full year or does it in this month because people are sick and tired of this and they were they want it to end they don’t want another year, so can you please explain to us so we can get a better view of what is going on is it going to end this month or a year from now?

Ted Freeman
1 year ago

The teamsters union and owes me a retirement payment of 1K a month i have filed for it and they claim i have no retirement because I was not a member of the teamsters union. I send them copies of my pay stubs showing payment made to the teamsters and I also sent the copy of my employment with the company they claim I never worked for this company. The teamsters have stolen billions of dollars from the people.this was done before the company ever started paying into 401 Ks but retirement was payed directly to the teamsters funds.

Bill Looney
Bill Looney
1 year ago

Hey guy, just wanted to let you know I got a YouTube channel it’s called daily news with Billlscorner give it a check, but yeah, my friend was curious if that was extended for another year that mean we got another year of BS to go through is this is just getting a little ridiculous. Nothing against you. We’re just saying that it’s you know Really weighing on our nerves but this is going on and on but at least we got you giving us information so we at least know what is going on instead of nothing but can you please elaborate a little bit more is this extend it for another year or does it end tomorrow the 12th please can you let us know in the next video God bless you and thank you for everything you’re doing we really do appreciate it. I know we’ve gotten upset and said things that we shouldn’t of but it’s just the frustration of it all. It really weighs on peoples nerves anyways guy have a great day. God bless you.

Randy Shoemaker
Randy Shoemaker
1 year ago

A Sincere “Thank You” to All of You at “theusmilitarynews and restoredrepublic”!! You’re the Updated “Truth” We watch Every Day! If We had a Million Dollar’s instead of living from paycheck to paycheck on Military Disability, IT WOULD BE YOURS FOR THE OUTSTANDING INFORMATION THAT YOUR PROVIDING AMERICAN’s! Huge Salute to ALL OF YOU!!

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