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1 day ago

I can’t understand why those in charge are waiting to issue the EBS !!

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
1 day ago

The latest assassination attempt on Trump was an inside job. No one could convince me otherwise. How many times were assassination attempts made on Trump when he was President, including some in the White House. I believe it was Pence and his cronies, at that time, who were responsible for those assassination attempts on Trump.

Kathy Giust
Chatty Kathy
1 day ago

So Trump and the whites hats have known since JFK days about all this evil but apparently they couldn’t activate their plan until after the whole world got injected (or as many as possible) with nanotech that could track and trace and sterilized them, if it didn’t kill them first?
Because even tho the white hats were and are in control and took out the elites years ago, we still had to have our voices censored so thiose of us who knew about the death jabs couldn’t warn others ….hmmm??
And to this day the mainstream news is still promoting vaccines!
Unless the vaccines are all saline, this is such a crock of shit!
This med bed technology also sounds like something the elites want (to live forever nano text, etc) and goes against GOD., in my opinion?
So, with that said, wouldn’t this new financial system (that sounds great) also be a trap in the end?
I would tread carefully.
Oh and aren’t we lucky Trump didn’t end up dead before they could use him for this plan that they had ad for decades!!!!

Kathy Giust
Chatty Kathy
1 day ago

And I understand that it is possible that the whole covid thing WAS a huge part of the sting operation to take down the evil cabal (warp speed being military operation) but unless innocent people weren’t really injected with with nanotech & poison, it’s hard to believe that it ALSO wasn’t a plan to depopulate Billions of people, and a NEW group of “evil elites” would then take over?

Just saying. I truly believe Russell Jay Gould’s story so I’m very Leary about the Trump and white and story unless this truly was planned for 50+ years or something and they had to ignore Russell because they needed to continue with their plan….????

But to me , that sounds crazy because I think they could have worked with Russel 23 years ago when he captured the title 4 flag!
And according to Russell, he had reached out to Trump’s people and got nowhere.

It’s all crazy. Who the heck knows what’s going on, who is even a real person and who is AI or CGI or a double or masked?
Crazy times!

Ted Freeman
1 day ago

How the hell do you keep changing the use of med beds if they exist. Sounds to me if you are saying is correct then they are hold it over everyone head this is communist in it purest form. So there going to continue killing seniors off. So they can steal there SS like they have for the last 80 years. The democrats have stolen trillion from SS. Why done they just go to our home and induce a drug deaths.

Lorinda Madore
1 day ago

Why do you talk about scary things like implants and the mark of the beast when certainly you know that will not happen? I personally don’t like to be treated to fear mongering.

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