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4 days ago

I can’t believe you’re still pushing this fraud, Judy. You have done this in previous shows and then had to retract it. Now you’re doing it again. No, you do not need to register for your QFS account.. People are being approached to give their personal information and that person will help you open your QFS account when they are in fact stealing your money. Why are you doing this? You’ve had to make a retraction before now you’re doing it again. Are you corrupt to Judy? Our QFS accounts are already created and the money is already there. How much money are YOU getting out of this DECEPTION!?

Douglas Ryder
Douglas Ryder
4 days ago

They say a person has to ‘register’ for their QFS account?? I have IQD and am looking to exchange it and get my account at that time.. Do I still need to register?? Could someone please send me a link for doing this? Thanks..

Jim S.
Jim S.
4 days ago

What is the official GFS site to register your account? Why was it not given as stated in this report. Is this another bogus hopeioum story?

4 days ago

where do I go to register for an QFS account? since I only have 10 days left. I thought it was automictically done. Help please Tell me what I need to do.

4 days ago

Why are you saying we should register with QFS ? We have often been told our QFS accounts have already been set up

Joe Tutewohl
Joe Tutewohl
4 days ago

In this video (GCR 9/23/24) I’m now hearing that we have to register for the QFS by September 30th 2024. This is the first I’m hearing of this. Can someone please confirm this and if correct where do we register if this is the case?

Jerry Hoppe
Jerry Hoppe
4 days ago

UN just passed Bill in secrecy to give secretary general of UN sweeping power to declare a national or global emergency for any reason at any time . US Congress trying to warn people . This includes vaccine mandates,lockdowns ,and control of your bank accounts ,travel restrictions ,and telling you where you can and cannot live :

4 days ago

Hello Judy. I was wondering where do I go to get the QFS account? Thank for your help.

Laure. LEITH
Laure. LEITH
4 days ago

Are we sure the registration is valid for qfs? I just worry because they have warned us not to be fooled by infiltrators and I was suckered by TRB

Danny taft
Danny taft
4 days ago

How come theses pages wil not open?

4 days ago

well I’m looking for the link to register with the QFS but no one seems to know or they talk about what it’s going to do, I know all that what I want to know is where to go to register…

Caffie Gillian
Caffie Gillian
4 days ago

Info on opening a qfs account

Jerry Hoppe
Jerry Hoppe
4 days ago

What is the actual website ,or link to register with the new quantum financial system ??

Randy R Daniels
4 days ago

Hello Miss Judy, thank you again, for your amazing work! God the Father, Who is giving us all life and breath, (Acts 17:25), thru God the Son, Jesus Christ, (John 14:6), Jesus speaking, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father, but by me.” The Father gives the blessing, thru the Son, by the power of God the Holy Spirit! Today’s time is the New Testament of Jesus Christ, not the old Testament! Although, we cannot have the New without the old, and visa versa!Today, it’s all about Jesus, Whom the Father sent; (John 3:17), For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world thru Him might be saved! Miss Judy, please foregive me for getting carried away with scripture or the only true God and His only Son, Christ Jesus! What I’d like to mention, is at the 40:36 mark in your update, you had said;; Some serious charges couldn’t be brought because Obama pardoned so many in his last days in office. Miss Judy, since Obama, in truth, like Harris, from the beginning, NOT eligible, for the office they were in or tried for, speaking about Obama’s added laws or whatever he had passed, wouldn’t his ineligibility ANNUL all his actions, that is, the pasdoning of those criminals?

Marta Magdalena LeFave
Marta Magdalena LeFave
4 days ago

QFS Account set up and activation is not working

Rose jenson
3 days ago

Where’s the link, to join QFS financial System, that was said to be below video?

Hemaile Helsham
Hemaile Helsham
3 days ago

Hi Judy! I just want to thank you for your daily updates! I cannot go my day without first listening to your GCR update!

How do we sign up for our QFD account? You mentioned it in today’s update and I just cannot find the link to sign up? Please help!

Hemaile Helsham
Hemaile Helsham
3 days ago

Hi Judy!

What is the link to sign up for the QFS account please. 🙏🏼

3 days ago

I want the name or names, of the ones with the resources and sway they held, to be able to passe around, when I was 14, to just about every prison in Missouri, to be beaten, tortured, and gang raped by every Black f*ggot there. I think it was back in ’78.
I want the one pulling the strings. I will find out. I hope they are still alive.

3 days ago

how do you register on the QFS

3 days ago

where do i sign up for QFS ??? PLEASE EMAIL ME AT : [email protected]

Mark stringer
Mark stringer
3 days ago

How to set up qfs account?

Lorinda Madore
3 days ago

This ledger thing… I started to apply and got a creepy feeling. When I think about it I don’t think there is much you have told us that is true. I don’t have a penny more and I don’t see soldiers and so on.Sometimes you’re way too vague.

3 days ago

I told y’all nothing would happen in July, they would say August and then say September and then say October. They said our bank accounts were already mirrored in the QFS, now you have to sign up and give them all your personal information so you can get your money. How many times in the last 4 years have you heard the 17th letter (JFK Jr) on telegram say in the next few days you will no doubt know we are taking our country back? I’ve heard it many, many times. Nothing will happen the first week of October either. I’ve helped spread these lies too over the years because I was gullible enough to believe them also. Looking for my chump change SS check to go up each month like they said, but nothing there either. The only thing being done is they are holding you off so you won’t rebel until they get the NWO in place and then its to late. The ushering in of the Anti-christ. Look for the false peace covenant with the many coming up soon with the UN. I’m sorry I lied to so many, I should have known better but I was dooped also.

Michael DiPersio
Michael DiPersio
3 days ago

Where do I sign up for qfs account?

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
3 days ago

That is just SO wonderful that you guys are letting the satanists have until after the fiscal year before you take anymore action. Oh, the Humanity!
Asking people to register for the QFS over the internet….boy, now that’s some stooopid shft.
That has cost me 10M on the Tokens Scam…and this is the first I’ve heard of it…. what’s happening to those who don’t want to risk everything to a scam that you guys just may have inadvertently been a part of.

Michael DiPersio
Michael DiPersio
3 days ago

Where did I sign up for qfs account?

PJ Hinman
PJ Hinman
3 days ago

QFS wallet will be set up by banks, Don’t get fooled into the 10 day deadline. Facts.

3 days ago

So if we need to sign up for QSF Like they were saying where do we go to do this? Especially since today the 24th is supposed to be the last day???

2 days ago


richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
2 days ago

be careful evynn stenner something like that telegram qfs i searched her nae off telegram it came back as
QFS – Quality Facility Solutions

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