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Darlene Alane Weigum
Darlene Alane Weigum
3 days ago

What is the website to sign up for the Quantum system???

3 days ago

Where do you find the QFS registry link?

Danny Taft
Danny Taft
3 days ago

So when will the med beds be ready for public use. I am to the point where they say it’s necessary to remove my voice box. It would be nice if I didn’t have to do that.

Katherine Larkin Hardy
Kathy Larkin
3 days ago

We cannot see the link for the QFS registration. Please provide it within the text or here. Thank you.

Michelle M Hedger
Michelle M Hedger
3 days ago

Is there an official website to register for the QFS account? Or is that just a set up by some nefarious person to get our personal information? If there is an official website, what is it?

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
2 days ago

add says 4 warning signs of dimentia first sign is taking symvastin lol chlorestrol meds😉🤔chlorestrol is the glue that hold your brain atter together

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
2 days ago

QFS – Quality Facility Solutionsthis is the telegram QFS scam alert!!!!!! i am pretty sure!evynne messaged me i searched her name andQFS – Quality Facility Solutions  came up on my search!!!!

Lorinda Madore
2 days ago

I believe that the money is in our name in our bank account so WHY is it even a thing to sign up for a ledger?

Stephen Hines
Stephen Hines
2 days ago

There is no great man and there is no great woman. But we have had many great men and many great women and still do to this day..
The dark figured out how to even out the greatness. They did this by nationalizing these people, nationalizing their words, religious or spiritual, naming it and calling it a religion; or a political party. But that’s another very closely related story. Every region had a great person of thought and spiritualism and they explained their thoughts in the ways of their region.
As the regions varied so did the great ones and the method(s) they taught to reach higher states of consciousness varied but had the same outcome.
The dark said we can’t have this, let’s change it. Let’s add rewards and defeats of eternal punishment. Let’s turn these religions against each other basing it on ethnic and racial factors.Emphasizing the superiority of their religion over another.
They all believed and taught of a divine source, which is true. The same divine source that all teach about but maybe a different path to it.
The dark pitted these religions against one another with the promise of riches, power, Land and slave labor, material gains.
So, this method worked so well that religion became a main divide and conquer tactic.
There is a very strong spiritual awareness in the world now that is tearing down the walls of division demanded by religions.
Just like in the book Gullivers’ Travels where one country was at war with another because one country opened there egg on the big side and the other country opened theirs’ on the small side. Same result with different methods.
I did not believe that this was the second coming. But now I am convinced of it.
The Second coming is not that of a man or a god, but a consciousness….the Christ Consciousness with other names in different religions, that in it’s manifestation awakens all mankind to their inherint creation as gods.
Did I not say in your book that ye were gods.

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