Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 6, 2024
Author : Judy Byington
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I’m expecting nothing…the government… what a piece of shit.
Lies, promises and BS. They are already telling you how much they are going to be in our lives.
Almost the middle of September and still Bullshiting around.
Freedom… America it’s just a word – propaganda. You’ll see.
We will be able to see very quickly what the real deal is…….
They should fear the people. The American pussy. Well, let me get in my pickup with my doggy and guitar…..they have no idea..none what so ever…..
Think this is the second coming…..the second coming is Christ Consciousness not a person..
They have no idea…. there are no heroes on rumble, Truth, telegram….just people regurgitating the same things over and over and making their popularity stand..pompous want to be. Typical American, do you feel like you’re getting bent over? Now, the control starts. You can do this, but not that……and so on…. watch.
A very dangerous time for the average people, the Expendables. The Culling of the average Will gear up to full speed…… clearing the world for the Chosen One…the true Anti Christ…open your eyes!!!