Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 14, 2022



Author : Judy Byington

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2 years ago

May the rough landing be as smooth as possible , world is a magical place if you have the eyes to see

2 years ago

More BS or Entertainment. Depending on how you look at Restored Republic. Nothing comes true and it’s always “Next Week” things will happen. LMAO

2 years ago
Reply to  Hoser

Then why are you listening to it? What are you hoping for?

David Stephens
David Stephens
2 years ago

Judy, when our original, 1787 Constitution says it is the supreme law of the land in perpetuity, that means nothing can ever overrule it, not even UN agendas, which no POTUS ever had lawful.powrr to sign on behalf of we the people. Our individual and collective sovereignty overrules everything.
Stop posting fraud, les, errors, mistakes, et cetera, and admit it when you do.
Your sources are making it up as they go, and you are never going to get rich off this stuff you’re pushing. All you’re going to get is hyperinflation when everyone is suddenly rich. That’s no help. not coming back May 16. He himself said that if he was going to return it would be on July 4.
We can’t have Biden taking credit for your GCR, so it can’t happen until Trump returns.
Your said we still hafta have a stock market crash blamed on Biden, so no GCR yet, and you said we still hafta have a WW3 nuke scare under Biden, so no GCR yet.
Contradicting yourself destroyed your credibility. Attacking me thrice proves you are extremely small minded, not open to free speech. Lefties are also opposed to free speech.
Your refusal to take correction makes you a lefty, same as Whiplash347 who isn’t even man enough to use his real name. How extremely dishonorable.
-Dave Stephens

wm sollenberger
wm sollenberger
2 years ago
Reply to  David Stephens

The possible explanation is the Act of 1871, replacing the original “For The People” Constitution to “Of the People” and creating a foreign entity known as the District of Columbia (or United States Corp.) to rule over the American people, pretending to be their representative government, but in fact the 3rd (military) arm of an international tyrannical monster, which includes the Vatican (spiritual) and the City of London (financial) or the Crown.

Judy Davis
Judy Davis
2 years ago
Reply to  David Stephens

It is ridiculously easy to trash something you are not involved in and do not understand.
Sources rely on other sources, and the military never advertises it’s timetables. We have been told repeatedly, by Ms. Byington and several others, that the plan is event driven, and each step follows a preceding step and positions us for the next step.
The plan is progressing. That is all we can know for certain.
People, including analysts and commentators, are overeager. They mistake signs and coincidences for actual accomplishments.
Only the military knows when one step is completed and the next is to be taken.
We have been told the game is over. There is still the matter of clearing out the trash before the victory celebration.
And the trash, as we have all seen, will not go either peaceably or willingly to the tribunals and executions that await them.

2 years ago

There is no “safety of the people.” Responsible for, or complicit in, the attacks and murders of the people are: foreigners (mostly illegal aliens) and their supporting politicians; members of the medical, tech, pharmaceutical, agricultural/food industries; and even some leaders in the religion business.

New rates tomorrow … but isn’t the Global Currency Reset was to make all currencies 1 to 1 with each other? If so, then we already know what the dinar rate is.

2 years ago

I suspect that when/if Trump is reinstalled as President, the US stock market (and probably others) will skyrocket on the belief that he will rebuild the US economy to what it was BB (before Biden).

Does anyone think that scolding letters to the WHO have any effect on them? That’s like writing a letter to Hitler pointing out that cooking people isn’t nice. These people are not bumblers; they are EVIL.

2 years ago

I would like to know how a country China can rise to the top of the money masters when they are as broke as the central bank ? You people are as two headed as one can get , one line of bullshit after another .

2 years ago

Just because “they’ve planned six injections from the beginning” does not mean we have to go along with it. Arrest the monsters, try them and hang them. Or better yet, burn them at the stake. Even that is not equal to what they have done to us.

Indictment for fraud is a slap on the hands of the monsters for mass murder.

2 years ago

Free energy does indeed sound wonderful, but it does not make one totally independent, unless one can live without machines, and can grow all food, and has access to all needed water at all times. Machines cost money and trading corn or veggies for machines is likely not going to work.

The electric cars that run on etheric energy are going to cost money before one can drive them for free. Parts and service will cost money later. One will still have to have funds from somewhere unless one is willing to live like a Neanderthal.

2 years ago

Rather than giving weapons paid for with taxpayer funds, and sending 40 billion taxpayer dollars to Biden’s Ukrainian buddies, that money could be spent on desalinization of sea water for the western US states. But naturally, that would not kill people, and killing people is the plan of the Cabal, and Biden is part of the Cabal.

And why are we supplying Mexico with water when the US doesn’t have enough? More preferential treatment for non-US citizens. The usual MO of Biden & Democrats.

Wasn’t Liberia (a name so similar to “liberty”) where many blacks wanted to go after the Emancipation? It didn’t work out too well for those who did, did it?

Fred Delshad
Fred Delshad
2 years ago

Please slow down the video speed to .75 , instead of 1.0, so we can hear and understand the words and what you are saying. Great reports. Thank you

Maxine Bailey
Maxine Bailey
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Delshad

I agree! I dont have time to listen to it three times to get it all!

Bill Looney
Bill Looney
2 years ago

Are you trying to tell us that the United States has lost its sovereignty and now they will be able to do whatever they want to us is that what you’re trying to tell us that we are now screwed and the world health organization can do whatever they want to us is that what you’re telling us

2 years ago

Funny how things fall appart,forgery hmm well congress was not in we will get the shaft again it’s over

Maxine Bailey
Maxine Bailey
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

How convenient!

Joseph Quesnel
Joseph Quesnel
2 years ago

Good Morning Judy, looks like your having problems on posting all GCR’S for Sunday 5-15-22? Thought I should send this to you,Just in case your No aware of this. This was posted as of 6:28AM EST Have a great Day!

2 years ago

6:00 september 11th ????

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