Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 4, 2022



Author : Judy Byington

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2 years ago

I hope that they paid off the National Debt with FIAT!!! ????????????

Vincent Pesanti
Vincent Pesanti
2 years ago

U people are ruining peoples lives. Have straight driv3n my dad over the edge. U people need to be stopped. Im no libtard in fact i cant stand them. But u people are running a disinformation scam that has driv3n my dad into bankruptcy. All in hopes of nera gasera. A dead document fuck u people. U have ruined this mans life. And his childrens who ar3 gonna have to pick up his debt

2 years ago

Why would u sprinkle in crap like elon musks father was van braun? It hurts ur credibility.

David Stephens
David Stephens
2 years ago

Fail. Even under Admiralty law, we had Basso vs UP&L, which alone is strong enough to guarantee individual sovereignty.

2 years ago

Cern can destroy the Universe lol what is God is the Universe fools this little planet can`t even destroy our enemy the masters of money. Which is obvious this is what the reset is, one money master taking over the other .You people are so full of dodoo its not funny . As long as we all bend over to governance we will never reach that place of content .

2 years ago

Report on the GCR, followed immediately by a report on the destruction of the food supply in the US. What good is fabulous money going to do if the food supply is gone? Not everyone has the place or the money to start a garden to hopefully feed his/her family. And if food has been taken away by the (mostly Democrat) Depopulation Monsters, outdoor gardens will be robbed as soon as there is anything to take.

Let the leftists try to perpetrate their violence in states where citizens are still armed. That’s a good way to get rid of a bunch of violent leftists – with no charge to taxpayers for court proceedings or maintenance in prisons.

2 years ago

To Charlie Ward: A fair percentage of the masses are INSISTENTLY IGNORANT. They will never snap to the truth, because they don’t want to. They insist on remaining ignorant because they LIKE their version of the truth. It’s looking like now many of the people who are awake will starve to death thanks to the wait for the insistently ignorant to make major personality changes (which is what it would take for them to wake up). Major personality changes in adult humans are extremely rare. What a waste to wait on them.

Speaking of truth, if we get out of this alive we must always remember what China did. We must never give them power over our wellbeing again. If we have learned nothing else, we’ve learned that China cannot be trusted.

2 years ago

The famous nuclear physicist (now deceased) was Stephen Hawkings, not Stephen Hawkins. Close, but not correct.

Elon Musk’s smart home: “Smart” anything is potentially a life-threatening problem. I suspect that the term “smart” was used as a slap in the face to those who don’t get that: “You’re so smart that you connected your house to a system that can shut off your power (including heating and cooling) remotely to force you to comply with social credit rules.” Does he not know that, or is he part of the Deep State?

Trump signed an EO designating severe punishment for animal abuse. The people who cooked millions of birds alive fall into that category. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior; it was probably a massive sacrifice to Moloch. Anyone capable of cruelty like that must be gotten rid of; they are poison. Why not do the same thing to them – toss them from helicopters into active volcanoes.

Francine Launier
Francine Launier
2 years ago

We the people and patriots would like to know where to stand. Could you explain to us and reassure us that the QFS is not Social Credit. Looks a lot like it. Thank you for responding to our concerns within a few days.

Donna nickell
Donna nickell
2 years ago

I have a case against B of A for losing my home in 2008. It’s been with the courts for quite a few years. Now with Wells Fargo Buying out B of A and attorneys and Judges being retraining in common law/constitutional law. Where I wonder dies this lead my case? B of A keeps appealing and my case keeps being put on a stay.

2 years ago

The can kicked down the road for years now. This seems like it will never happen. No one ever comments, beginning to think it’s a psyop that your delivering here. Nothing and I mean nothing you have reported seems to be true. I’m done!

Karen Elaine
Karen Elaine
2 years ago

Several times you refer to HMM or HM. What is that, please?

Thomas Ruwan
Thomas Ruwan
2 years ago

400K of us have been waiting for this. Over 200K have passed away. We are somewhere in the top 3 tiers but don’t expect anything. It was a lifetime ago.

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