Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 7, 2022



Author : Judy Byington

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paula cannon
paula cannon
2 years ago

your monsters are already out of the tunnels and running around out side there are videos on the internet i thought they were fake but turns out some are very real we talk about them on several channels we have videos of them from all over the world and they may be killing people as stated on the missing411 files . they live in sewers drains and caves and come out when its dark .

2 years ago
Reply to  paula cannon

can you give a link to such videos showing these Munsters?

Last edited 2 years ago by LCPatriot
2 years ago

My friends, there is no such thing as covid 19 , in fact there is no such thing as a virus . Corona reactions are the immune systems reaction to a poison . Any body who says this or that about a covid 19 death and such are not to be trusted, they are guilty of conspiracy to commit a fraud . The poisoning of the body by flu vax and others , and chemtrails and poisons spewed in the atmosphere by the industrial complex , and many other chemicals corporate lets in products are ramping up the immune systems purge at the change of the season when the cells clean these toxins, is what they are calling covid 19 . This psyop is a genocide program being committed by the masters of money , or the cabal of secret societies that wish us all dead so they can own this world , and meld humans with AI to create a perfect slave for them to do their work.Medical tyranny has run amok in the world, and do wish to rule over you . This is the face of the war we fight right now . So do not take the bate you see on all media platforms , including this one . Do your own research and trust no man .

2 years ago

Pfizer’s Injection killed 1,223 people during what they loosely call “trials.” And how many people died before the swine flu vaccination was taken off the market? 53. Of course, that was before the current Depopulation Plan.

“Opened our borders to millions of illegal aliens” … Or, “Deliberately infested our country will millions of foreign invaders, who are now living at taxpayer expense and causing problems that taxpayers have to pay for.” Illegal aliens were killing about 9,000 Americans a year before Trump got into office; it’s probably double that number now. And all the Biden People say: “YAY!”

2 years ago

Why don’t we say “Joe Biden AND THE DEMOCRAT PARTY” did all of that? He couldn’t have done it alone. If the party didn’t approve of what he was doing, they could have easily removed him because of his mental condition. But no, they WANTED all those things to happen because the Democrat PTB are COMMUNISTS, and intend to take America down, probably to hand it over to China for fabulous payoffs.

2 years ago

Again, what security is the military quantum computer looking into? Much of America has been disarmed and can’t even defend their own homes against, for instance, all the violent invading foreigners that the Democrats have infested America with. City streets are now dangerous almost everywhere. 800,000 children still go missing every year. People are shot by strangers while driving. A certain element is stealing from stores regularly. A similar element is targeting cities for arson (and not being punished for it, so far). Our House is run by a conniving anti-American who engineered the jailing of hundreds of people for an undetermined time, without charging them. Our banks are failing, as is our currency.

Security? What security? Maybe that’s why the computer hasn’t given the go signal; it didn’t find any security to check and doesn’t know what to do now.

Mary Toner
Mary Toner
2 years ago

The Gospel never changes. “All I know is Christ and Him crucified,” St. Paul. Do we really believe that a mighty God would a!low the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be manipulated? That would be a lie right out of the pit of Hell.

Julia Reams Kazaros
Julia Reams Kazaros
2 years ago

Most of the videos dated May 7, 2022 have loud background music, low volume on the reading outloud parts – making it hard to hear the message; probably hijacked by ill-wishers; thought you might like to know.

2 years ago

I’m glad to see care for animals included in today’s update. The Deep State has already indicated that it’s fine with them to wipe out not only almost all humans, but every last animal on Earth, too. We must rid the planet of these monsters before they do it. They are already killing wildlife (deer) claiming it is because of disease – but the truth is they know that deer were partly what kept Americans from starving during the Great Depression.

2 years ago

I have a question why do we have to wait until the queens death is announced before the ebs goes off

2 years ago

Truth destroys lies knock that bottom card and watch the house of cards fall

Robert Paton
Robert Paton
2 years ago

Mistranslations in the Bible is common but with some work, anyone can use a Strong’s Concordance and an Old King James for cross referencing the scriptures. Two free E-books are available regarding these mistranslations in the Book of Revelation and in the Book of Daniel.
Satan had a hand in changing specific words in the Bible (Old King James) to divert the reader from the true meaning of the scripture thereby causing confusion thus rendering the ability to create different denominations. It’s all Satan’s fault.

Debbie Brown
Debbie Brown
2 years ago

Yes. We have been hearing the same thing for over a year . I know alot of people who have lost faith in this narrative and think it’s all a bunch of lies and this is just another distraction and I’m beginning to doubt this info is true same stories just another day t had better happen soon or there will be a Renault. Rumors are everywhere

Jason Cuda
Jason Cuda
2 years ago

According to my US govt insider. Never again will foreign currency exchanges ever happen for redemption to US dollars. This site is another psyop. Do serious research. I have. This is total BS

Larry M
Larry M
2 years ago

Would be helful to understand more on the differences of the tiers, the birth certificate bonds,and less hopium. The time is past this production comes to an end afterall what good is a gain of 5 to 10 percent awakened sheeple if you lose support of 15 to 25 percent of base

David Stephens
David Stephens
2 years ago

Still moving those goalposts.

Lolita Q Resari
2 years ago

What happened to restoredrepublicviaGCR for today May 8,2022? I can’t access it today.

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