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Dan Kermmoade
3 months ago

PLEASE stop this habit of your commentator of saying “dot-middle dot” among a few other unnecessary things, he sounds stupid!! He seems to do well for a few days then this garbage comes back, PLEASE fix it!! SAY THE WORDS ONLY!!!!

Francine Launier
Francine Launier
3 months ago

Would it be possible to modify your speaker so that it doesn’t mention every ‘Dot’, “Middle Dot”. or any sign that it reads which makes it difficult for us to follow. Instead, it should take a breath (yeah I know it cannot since it is a machine) but at least pause for 1 second.
Thank you for the good work you do.

Michael R Pesanti
Michael R Pesanti
3 months ago

In recent articles you have posted the narrative on Gen M. Flynn is that he is some kind of American hero and has Trumps back. This is untrue. Evidence is now being presented that Flynn and Jaun O Seven are up to no good and plotting against Trump. My source: The Michelle Moore Show, the whistle blower on that show is Mike Gill. You may want to stick with reporting facts. If you can’t verify something as fact don’t put it in you daily report.

Bill Looney
Bill Looney
3 months ago

I have a sneaky feeling that Elon musk and his stink satellite is going to be part of the deep state operations to monitor everybody on the planet. Elon Musk was caught wearing a jacket that has the same logo that’s on the one dollar bill below the pyramid where it says that word that one word which means New World order he had a jacket on that had that on the back of it a guy on TikTok showed it, I truly believe the Elon musk and his starling satellite will be the system that the system is ran off of where they will put a chip in your right hand and where you are because we know it’s not a planet we know it doesn’t rotate and we know we never been to the moon. I got documents from NASA stating that the Earth does not rotate And does not fly through space and gravity is a bullshit lie. I got documents from NASA proving that too so yeah this all this money that everybody keeps relying on it for a little while but it’s getting soon get destroyed. The scriptures must come true and the tribulation will start in either 2025 or 2027 one of the two, but we know we’re right at the door and it’s knocking , so we should be telling people to get ready for the arrival of Jesus Christ not money people rely on money too much that’s why the Bible says. You can’t have two masters you can’t love money and have God in your life because you’ll love one and hate the other and everybody pates to money and the Bible wrong. It’s not the love of money. It’s the desire of money . They changed it in the Bible the king James dead king James was also a 33° Mason and he switched a lot in the Bible around like Ephesians 612 where it says no Ephesians yeah 612 where it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities against the governors of this wicked world and dark and high places , but the king James Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and dark places and high places doesn’t mention governors which are the rulers of this earth they left that out so everybody would think that they’re just fighting against spiritual wickedness no it’s also the rulers of this world But see this is how things have been switched and no one’s paying attention to what is going on but see every since I was a kid I have always observed and I knew Bill Gates and his computers would be the death of the world. I knew when 83 that Bill Gates was evil and in 1993 is when I felt it in my spirit that there was a shift that just happened in the United States. I went back and looked at George W bushes And a couple of them talk about a new order. We now have a chance to forge a New World order not a rule of the jungle, but the rule of the United Nations and he said it himself and I knew in 93 that something was taken over the US and it was evil is evil gets , like I said people sit here and about all this money they’re gonna release. It may be good for about a year maybe a year and a half but after that, the Lord says destruction will come on the people like quicker than anything just like in the days and know what they were marrying getting married than the day came when the waters burst open and within six hours, everybody was drowned That’s how bad the water was coming up through the Earth and dropping from the sky like I said we’re living in the last days. Jesus is coming real quick and we should not be worrying about what kind of money we’re gonna have. We should be worrying more about our souls where we’re gonna spend eternity , loving things of this earth is not what Jesus said. He said love things of heaven and not earth. Well God bless you and have a wonderful day. I hope this was helpful to everyone and people quit worrying about this RV and all these funding. remember your Lord and saviors coming pretty quick.

3 months ago

Did JFK Jr. and Princess Dianna come out as they said they would on 4-17? If so where do i look to find this?

s alan
s alan
3 months ago


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