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29 days ago

Great report.

Mike Lupton
Mike Lupton
29 days ago

Everything comes to a head. hurry up n wait hurry up n wait. yes I understand about misdirection for the enemy it’s what I would do too. Many people are getting by on less than nothing which includes me. The GCR can’t come fast enough. I hope it happens when you say it comes.

: Antonio-Burgos: Arau.
29 days ago

Kevin Spacey Executed at Tierra Del Fuego along with Lady Ga-Ga (Boy Ga-Ga), & Dr. Birx,…

28 days ago

I’m 62 years old,disabled and BROKE! please stop telling people the going to get a raise on there ss It’s Cruel. Just stop saying anything that’s not true we’ve been lied to about everything and now it’s happening again. I’ve listened to your show for 5 years now and I think it’s time to starting to think we’re only trading one Dictatorship for another.

Lorinda Madore
28 days ago

Shutting down HAARP is the best thing I’ve heard in a long time. Let’s hope it happens soon.

Sad Eyes
28 days ago

Of course they labeled me schitzo, but I’ve only heard a voice in my head, one time. That was in ’97, when I heard a woman’s voice telling me not to go to Needles CA. That’s when I got out, went to a truck stop, and everyone started yelling my name.
I freaked, and hid away in a concrete culvert that ran under I-40, east and west. I cut myself to shreds trying to find an artery so I could die, ’cause something horrific was coming. Didn’t know what it was, just knew it was coming.
I found an artery and bled out. I realize now that it was part of a self termination program, and they used total terror as a tool. I wasn’t supposed to wake up. I still don’t know how. I mean, I watched myself bleed out!
I still carry a three inch x shaped scar on the left side of my groin.
I’ve been in and out of psyche wards, in several states. Everywhere I went, strangers knew my name. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve heard, “Everyone knows Marty!”, in different states.
After that day in ’97, when I screwed up my self termination, memories from someone I didn’t know existed, flooded my brain. Of course I thought I was nuts.
I stopped running about five years ago, and tried to make sense of everything. I accepted the fact that the memories were real, and that they came from a different me, and had been deliberately hidden, and they were coming from a different me. I stopped being afraid of them, and started putting the puzzle pieces, the chunks of intel I was getting from the other me.
And I have proof that they are real.

Robert jerry
28 days ago

Could the cabsl pull a fast one and make out like trump is the anti christ !!!???

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