Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 9, 2023



Author : Judy Byington

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Marta LeFave
Marta LeFave
1 year ago

I am synical about bank management giving employees instrunctions in the parking lots of the banks last night. What did management not want recorded?

Marta LeFave
Marta LeFave
1 year ago

American courts contai the American flag with a yellow fringe. This tells us the American courts actually belong to England and, of course, the Vatican.

1 year ago

The Cabal’s murder of 125 million Indians is exceeded by the kill rate of the Muslims (mostly killing non-Muslims, mostly non-Arabs, so also genocidal) of 270 million. Just FYI, as we need to know who ALL the dangers, not just the Cabal. If we manage to wipe out the Cabal, we still have the entire Muslim world following a “sacred” text that commands them to kill all non-Muslims so that there can then be world peace. (The Muslims being so peaceful, right?)

I’m surprised that middle America is working with money laundering banks and cartels. In the past, the east and west coasts have traditionally been the bastions of anti-American, weirdo, criminal types.

Is anyone putting a lot of hope into the Supreme Court ruling against the criminals, and then the dissolution of Congress and the Biden administration? I’m not. There was a report that they had a little visit from some US military folks before they finally agreed to hear the case. Obviously nothing was done at gunpoint because duress would invalidate anything the Supremes agreed to, but perhaps they were told that they WOULD hear the case, or else. Perhaps they were threatened with secrets being revealed, or even with their dissolution under martial law. IMO our only hope that they will rule against the criminals is if that was included in that chat with the military.

1 year ago

Maddie McCann’s parents sold her? That’s a serious accusation. I’ve seen that she was kidnapped and then sold, but not that her parents sold her. That despite suspicions of the police at the time.

AGAIN: The country compensating victims (no matter how deserving they are) is just another way for the country to destroy the middle class. Middle class taxpayers pay the bulk of any penalties … NOT THE GUILTY PARTIES THEMSELVES. So the more crimes the government commits, the more penalties assessed against the crimes through lawsuits, the faster the middle class is financially devastated … until it exists no more.

We must start confiscating all assets of criminals, converting non-cash assets to cash, and compensating victims out of those funds.

1 year ago

We must hold the INHUMANE CABAL responsible? Yes?

Please do not harm the light filled KABBALISTS? As the light of the world repeats, PEACE ON EARTH – GOOD WILL TO MEN!

1 year ago

Just look at those three MS13 gang members. Do we really want to support them in jail? Let’s hope they are being deported. If they aren’t, then time for them to be tried in military tribunals (as espionage agents trying to bring down the US), and hanged. If it was good enough for the Rosenbergs it is damned sure good enough for these monsters.

So the Supremes can rule that the constitution allows election fraud. Or, they could say that the Constitution no longer has any standing in the US. That could be their “interpretation.” Great.

It’s sounding more and more like the Alliance needs to wrap things up – certainly before the carbon tracking/credit system is imposed on the survivors of the previous deadly scam – the Covid Hoax & Injection Genocide.

Why doesn’t anyone point out that these monsters obviously plan to starve and suffocate every living creature on Earth, by killing all the trees and plants through the elimination of carbon? Plants breathe in carbon, and breathe out oxygen. So not only would food sources be gone, but oxygen would be gone.

Sarkis Zeitounian
1 year ago

Awesome thank you so much

Donna Miller
Donna Miller
1 year ago

Yes, Our government is being run by SUB SUBCONTRACTORS of the Bankrupt US, INC.

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